public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tag flat-hierarchy

July 2006

by fredbird & 3 others
GLS³ is an open source semantic storage solution for GNU/Linux that indexes your data, extracts from it metadata and relevant information, allows you to organize it using queries and tags, an API to allow Developers to integrate searching and organization capabilities in their application, an extensible plugin-based Type System, shared schemas between applications through an API, a pseudo file system for backward compatibility, a web interface, As-You-Type searching and more.

January 2006

Code Snippets: Store, sort and share source code, with tag goodness

by fredbird & 48 others
Snippets is a public source code repository. Easily build up your personal collection of code snippets, categorize them with tags / keywords, and share them with the world (or not, you can keep them private!)

November 2005

Ciao firefox

by fredbird
Attention, demi-troll ! Non, je n'ai pas désinstallé firefox, contrairement à Suzie. Et je n'ai pas l'intention de le faire, du moins dans l'immédiat. Et je continuerai vraisemblablement à l'utiliser quotidiennement.

September 2005

Folksonomies: power to the people

by fredbird & 6 others
In recent times, an unprecedented amount of Web content has begun to be generated through web logs, wikis and other social tools thanks to lower technology and cost barriers. A new host of content creators is emerging, often individuals with the will to participate in discussions and share their ideas with like-minded people. This is to say that this increasing amount of varied, valuable content is generated by non-trained, non-expert information professionals: they are at the same time users and producers of information.

Un web sémantique pour l'utilisateur - 2004-12-08 - Carnet Web Karl

by cherbourg & 9 others (via)
Boris, suite à de nombreuses discussions que nous avons eues récemment sur les système de fichiers sémantique (en anglais, je dirais plutôtSemantic Desktop ou Semantic filesystem ou encore RDF filesystem) ainsi que sur la gestion des catalogues de photographies ou encore de musique en MP3, a publié une entrée intitulée Tags, ontologies, community and feedback. Revenons un peu plus en détails sur certaines des suggestions faites.

Phil Dawes’ Stuff » Blog Archive » How to disambiguate tag senses!

by fredbird (via)
Had some conversations about tag disambiguation with people at work and in the pub yesterday (that’s right folks - I’m lots of fun to go drinking with). Stu reminded me that in the tagging folksonomy world, people are able to choose meaning by social convention - i.e. they see which tags people are using for what sort of things, and then choose an appropriate one for their needs (maybe to get the biggest audience).

Un web sémantique pour l'utilisateur - 2004-12-08 - Carnet Web Karl

by fredbird & 9 others
Boris, suite à de nombreuses discussions que nous avons eues récemment sur les système de fichiers sémantique (en anglais, je dirais plutôtSemantic Desktop ou Semantic filesystem ou encore RDF filesystem) ainsi que sur la gestion des catalogues de photographies ou encore de musique en MP3, a publié une entrée intitulée Tags, ontologies, community and feedback. Revenons un peu plus en détails sur certaines des suggestions faites.

Tag, Taxonomie et DotClear - 2005-06-23 - Carnet Web Karl

by fredbird & 2 others
On peut lire beaucoup de choses contradictoires sur les carnets Web qui touchent aux tags (étiquettes), aux taxonomies, au Web sémantique. Dépendant du camp dans lequel on se trouve, les opinions diffèrent. Une mythologie se développent petit à petit des deux côtés.

July 2005

Tags! - IceRocket

by fredbird & 1 other
The results of the IceRocket Tag pages are made up of blog posts. And those come from you! Anyone with a blog can contribute to IceRocket Tag pages.

Tags, keywords, and inconsistency

by fredbird
Here's an interesting fact upon which I'll base the rest of my argument: people are horribly inconsistent when assigning keywords to documents. If you give two people the same document and ask them to assign a set of keywords to describe it, then the sets of keywords that they assign will agree only about 20% of the time. This was one of the problems that lead to the development of full text indexing systems. If we couldn't choose a few keywords from a document, we would use every word in the document as a keyword!

June 2005

Then each went to his own home » Tags: Database schemas

by fredbird & 21 others
an article about various solutions for tags-system (flat-hierarchy) database implementation

May 2005

You’re It! » Blog Archive » Dynamic Growth of Tag Clouds

by fredbird & 1 other
A persistent theme in the interest in folksonomy, and tagging in particular, is the threat of majority control. When the meaning of a link is determined by the masses, it can be inimical to anyone with a marginal point of view, and, the larger the pool the majority is pulled from, the greater the pressures towards lowest common denominator choices.

Towards tag-based bookmark management in web browsers? (

by nhoizey & 3 others (via)
So since playing with Flickr and working on a little fun project at work on (cough) folksonomies with Mr Webb, I've become obsessed with tags and the ways in which they can be used to build better navigational interfaces. Currently I'm interested in how we might use tags for better folder-less bookmark management in web browsers.

Semtags et le web fait un saut quantique

by nhoizey & 1 other (via)
parfois, des tags en deux parties genre : groupe:indochine et pays:indochine, groupe:Frantz ferdinand et persone:Frantz ferdinand, m'apparait comme une solution facile à utiliser. [...] Se sont des services comme flickr et technorati qui ont vraiment posé le probleme en implémentant un système de tags flat et le premier qui aura la bonne réponse et expliquera aux autres comment implémenter un système sémantique changera la face du web

Towards tag-based bookmark management in web browsers? (

by fredbird & 3 others
So since playing with Flickr and working on a little fun project at work on (cough) folksonomies with Mr Webb, I've become obsessed with tags and the ways in which they can be used to build better navigational interfaces. Currently I'm interested in how we might use tags for better folder-less bookmark management in web browsers.

Semtags et le web fait un saut quantique

by fredbird & 1 other (via)
parfois, des tags en deux parties genre : groupe:indochine et pays:indochine, groupe:Frantz ferdinand et persone:Frantz ferdinand, m'apparait comme une solution facile à utiliser. [...] Se sont des services comme flickr et technorati qui ont vraiment posé le probleme en implémentant un système de tags flat et le premier qui aura la bonne réponse et expliquera aux autres comment implémenter un système sémantique changera la face du web

Some ideas to improve tags use in social software

by fredbird & 2 others
Where categories are managed by specialists in order to achieve the best classification, tags are users rough approximation of classification for a practical use. Here is a small proposal to improve flat hierarchy efficiency by patching it with some bits of categorization, while keeping the tags theirselves simple and natural...

Problèmes des folksonomies - Maurice Bloggue

by fredbird
Les systèmes de tags populaires ou folksonomies se sont répandus très rapidement. On a l'impression que c'est le système de classification du moment. Pourtant, ce type d'organisation n'est pas aussi bien que l'engouement ne le fait croire...

Jeffrey Zeldman : tag clouds

by fredbird & 3 others
As tag clouds come to replace expert taxonomies in common practice, carefully constructed hierarchies vanish. In their place is a flattened world where every idea, at any level, is a topic as worthy as any other.

April 2005

Folksonomies: How we can improve the tags

by nhoizey & 5 others (via)
Folksonomies—like controlled vocabularies—are here to stay, and I would like to focus on how we can make them work better.

Folksonomies: How we can improve the tags

by fredbird & 5 others
Folksonomies—like controlled vocabularies—are here to stay, and I would like to focus on how we can make them work better.

David Galbraith

by fredbird & 2 others (via)
Tagging, i.e. on-the-fly user generated keyword categorization looks like it is becoming the standard way to categorize weblog content, replacing things like fixed pre-set categories.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag flat-hierarchy

blog +   database +   lang:en +   sql +   tags +   type:article +  

Active users

last mark : 11/07/2006 13:11

last mark : 09/09/2005 14:32

last mark : 18/05/2005 11:38