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PUBLIC MARKS with tags flat-hierarchy & blog

June 2005

Then each went to his own home » Tags: Database schemas

by fredbird & 21 others
an article about various solutions for tags-system (flat-hierarchy) database implementation

May 2005

Towards tag-based bookmark management in web browsers? (

by fredbird & 3 others
So since playing with Flickr and working on a little fun project at work on (cough) folksonomies with Mr Webb, I've become obsessed with tags and the ways in which they can be used to build better navigational interfaces. Currently I'm interested in how we might use tags for better folder-less bookmark management in web browsers.

Semtags et le web fait un saut quantique

by fredbird & 1 other (via)
parfois, des tags en deux parties genre : groupe:indochine et pays:indochine, groupe:Frantz ferdinand et persone:Frantz ferdinand, m'apparait comme une solution facile à utiliser. [...] Se sont des services comme flickr et technorati qui ont vraiment posé le probleme en implémentant un système de tags flat et le premier qui aura la bonne réponse et expliquera aux autres comment implémenter un système sémantique changera la face du web

Problèmes des folksonomies - Maurice Bloggue

by fredbird
Les systèmes de tags populaires ou folksonomies se sont répandus très rapidement. On a l'impression que c'est le système de classification du moment. Pourtant, ce type d'organisation n'est pas aussi bien que l'engouement ne le fait croire...

Jeffrey Zeldman : tag clouds

by fredbird & 3 others
As tag clouds come to replace expert taxonomies in common practice, carefully constructed hierarchies vanish. In their place is a flattened world where every idea, at any level, is a topic as worthy as any other.

April 2005

David Galbraith

by fredbird & 2 others (via)
Tagging, i.e. on-the-fly user generated keyword categorization looks like it is becoming the standard way to categorize weblog content, replacing things like fixed pre-set categories.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag flat-hierarchy

blog +   critique +   folksonomy +   lang:en +   web-design +  

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last mark : 21/06/2005 12:04