May 2006
Fold - Your Start Page - Public Beta
by slogoo & 7 othersFold.com最近推出一个个人门户的beta版网站:。(光是这个域名就蛮值钱的了!) 这个个人门户是用最新的ROR平台+MYSQL开发的,相信开发难度比以前的个人门户相比要小很多,如
March 2006
Webportal Fold now supports Flash content
by drunkenmasterObviously this opens up a truckload of new applications for the portal.
February 2006
Building an OS X like sliding dock with JavaScript and CSS (Part 2)
by drunkenmasterPart 2 of a detailed write-up on how to implement a cool auto-hiding, transparent dock with JS and CSS. This part describes how the actual animation works.
Building an OS X like sliding dock with JavaScript and CSS
by drunkenmasterPart 1 of a detailed write-up on how to implement a cool auto-hiding, transparent dock with JS and CSS.
(6 marks)