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PUBLIC MARKS with tags freeware & portable


🛠 LOG - PORTABLE - Net Disabler - Outil qui vous permet de couper rapidement la connexion Internet, n'installe aucun service, 3 méthodes de blocage d'Internet -

by decembre (via)
If you are looking for a tool that allows you to quickly cut off the Internet connection, then “Net Disabler” is offering exactly what you are looking for. – NetDisabler does not install any service – NetDisabler Offer 3 Internet blocking methods – NetDisabler has a password protection feature – NetDisabler is Portable and freeware Application If you want to make sure no one will use the internet you can set a password to protect your settings FRENCH TRADUCTION : Si vous recherchez un outil qui vous permet de couper rapidement la connexion Internet, Net Disabler vous offre exactement ce que vous recherchez. - NetDisabler n'installe aucun service - NetDisabler Offer 3 méthodes de blocage d'Internet - NetDisabler a une fonction de protection par mot de passe - NetDisabler est une application portable et gratuite Si vous voulez vous assurer que personne n’utilisera Internet, vous pouvez définir un mot de passe pour protéger vos paramètres.


RoughDraft writers donationware

by ycc2106
RoughDraft is one of the best utilities in my toolkit. I have two writing programs that I use with regularity. RoughDraft is the one I use for writing flash fiction and short stories. It works exclusively with .rtf files, which is actually a pretty good t

yWriter4 - word processor for authors

by ycc2106 & 1 other
Features: Organise your novel using a 'project'. Add chapters to the project. Add scenes, characters, items and locations. Display the word count for every file in the project, along with a total. Saves a log file every day, showing words per file an

2007 - Smart and Portable Software Tools for USB Flash Drives, Memory Cards, Portable Hard Drives etc.

by jdrsantos
Koolgo Apps are small and useful applications or fun programs which do not need to be installed on your computer. It is possible to start them up directly from the USB stick.


by ycc2106 & 20 others
HTTrack is a free (GPL, libre/free software) and easy-to-use offline browser utility.

The Portable Freeware Collection - Latest entries

by ycc2106 & 31 others
list of portable apps. the ideal definition of "portable" means: * It must run without installation. * It must run on older versions of Windows which might not have been updated. * It must not have any coupling with Internet Explorer, audio

TinyApps.Org : Home

by ycc2106 & 23 others
Specializes in small applications. Portable applications are marked with a "+".

Allway Sync: Free File Synchronization, Backup, Data Replication, PC Sync Software, Freeware, File Sync, Data Synchronization Software

by jdrsantos
Allway Sync is free file and folder synchronization software for Windows. Allway Sync uses innovative synchronization algorithms to synchronize your data between desktop PCs, laptops, USB drives and more. Allway Sync combines bulletproof reliability with

tout le gratuit du net

by blasco
gratuit : freeware portable the best multilanguage utilites System Information for Windows

DĂ©couvrez le client mail portable eMailaya

by thebloom
eMailaya est un client mail portable et multilingue (français compris). Voici quelques-unes de ses fonctionnalités : - Possibilité de supprimer les emails non désirables avant qu’ils ne se téléchargent. - Vous pourrez passer d’un fournisseur d’accès à un autre sans avoir besoin de récupérer les informations serveur. - Vous pourrez automatiser vos sauvegardes et les stocker. - Vous pourrez savoir combien de temps vous mettrez à recevoir ou envoyer vos mails. - Possibilité de recevoir un SMS lorsque vous avez reçu un mail. - Supporte le protocole SSL. - Possibilité de recevoir par SMS les événements importants. - Vous pourrez emmener partout avec vous les emails de vos clients. - Portable Apps Collection

by Snipe & 1 other
A collection of free portable apps that can be extracted to any directory and run independently without prior installation.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag freeware

art +   blog +   book +   browser +   chinese +   english +   fashion +   finance +   firefox +   greensoftware +   japanese +   KOHJINSHA +   kuso +   MLChen +   movie +   music +   novel +   office +   politic +   portable +   pub +   rss +   security +   soho +   sport +   Taiwanese +   tool +   webdesign +   windows +  

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