May 2006
April 2006
Blog Alert: Free Email Notifications of Blog Posts
by mikepower & 2 othersBlog Alert will send you daily email notifications when there are new posts to your favorite blog or RSS feed. No account is required, just enter the feed URL and your email address
Micro Persuasion: Ten Feedburner Hacks
by mikepower & 2 othersFeedBurner is one of my favorite tools in my Web 2.0 tool-belt. The main attraction here is FeedBurner's rich metrics, which will tell you a lot about how many are reading your feed, what aggregator they're using, etc. But dig a little deeper and there's
March 2006
February 2006
December 2005
memigo : cut through the infoglut
by mikepower & 2 othersnews aggregator which learns your preferences
(12 marks)