Blink Title of Tab in Browser
by calipussoftware (via)2013
A Free Day of JavaScript on Mobile - January 27th, 2011
by marco2010
WebP Home
by srcmaxWebP is a method of lossy compression that can be used on photographic images. The degree of compression is adjustable so a user can choose the trade-off between file size and image quality.
A WebP file consists of VP8 image data, and a container based on RIFF. Webmasters, web developers and browser developers can use the WebP format to create smaller, better looking images that can help make the web faster.
Browser Size
by oqdbpo & 11 otherssvg-edit - Project Hosting on Google Code
by piouPiouM & 5 othersGoogle Chrome Extensions: Firebug Lite
by Xavier Lacot & 2 others2009
どのブラウザ? - WhatBrowser.org について
by kuroyagiBrowser Size
by srcmax & 11 others (via)Creating Offline Web Applicat...
by oseresMozilla critique aussi le plug-in Google Chrome Frame - CNETFrance.fr
by srcmax« Je ne pense pas que ce type d'outil soit l'avenir du Web. Je préfère que Google conseille aux utilisateurs de passer à Chrome, plutôt que d'intégrer leur moteur dans Internet Explorer », explique-t-il en substance sur son blog. Comme Microsoft, il pointe du doigt les problèmes de sécurité. « Le plug-in désactive certaines fonctions d'Internet Explorer, et peut inquiéter les utilisateurs sur les questions de sécurité ».
Chromium Blog: Introducing Google Chrome Frame
by srcmax & 2 othersToday, we're releasing an early version of Google Chrome Frame, an open source plug-in that brings HTML5 and other open web technologies to Internet Explorer.
With Google Chrome Frame, developers can now take advantage of the latest open web technologies, even in Internet Explorer. From a faster Javascript engine, to support for current web technologies like HTML5's offline capabilities and canvas, to modern CSS/Layout handling, Google Chrome Frame enables these features within IE with no additional coding or testing for different browser versions.