21 August 2005
Favorite Poem Project
by knann (via)The Favorite Poem Project has been dedicated to celebrating, documenting and promoting poetry's role in Americans' lives.
22 July 2005
Thinkport Advanced Search
by knannThinkport is the state of Maryland's educarional portal. Use the advanced search tool to locate rich resources, including video clips, to support your lesson plans. Search with keywords, grade level, subject area and type of resource.
21 July 2005
TeacherSource . Search | PBS
by knannSearch for high quality resources via this PBS site, All subject areas for k-12
Frank Potter's Science Gems
by knannMore than 14,000 Science Resources sorted by Category, Subcategory, and Grade Level for k-12
FedStats: Federal Government Kids' Page
by knannThese statistical agencies provide special webpages for kids in elementary through high school. The webpages include fun facts, games, project ideas, and career information.
by knann & 1 otherTeachersFirst is a rich collection of lessons and web resources for K-12 classroom teachers, their students, and even students' families. Materials are arranged by subject area and grade level, making it easy to locate lesson plans and associated web resources quickly
14 July 2005
ReadWriteThink: Student Materials
by knann (via)Standards based literacy lessons for K-12 students. This page links to the student tools. Teachers can search by grade-level, standard, or literacy engagament.
The WebQuest Page
by knannThe definitive site for webquest creation. Watch for the new tool, QuestGarden, which debuts in September. This tool will make the process of creating a webquest simpler and less time consuming. Many templates and resources will be provided!
(9 marks)