Learn You a Haskell for Great Good!
by jpcaruanaHey yo! This is Learn You a Haskell, the funkiest way to learn Haskell, which is the best functional programming language around. You may have heard of it. This guide is meant for people who have programmed already, but have yet to try functional programming.
The whole thing is completely free to read online, but it's also available in print and I encourage you to buy as many copies as you can afford!
scalacheck - Google Code
by jpcaruanaScalaCheck is a powerful tool for automatic unit testing of Scala and Java programs. It features automatic test case generation and minimization of failing test cases. ScalaCheck started out as a Scala port of the Haskell library QuickCheck, and has since evolved and been extended with features not found in Haskell QuickCheck.
(12 marks)