October 2006
Ehdmi.com Adds A New Hdmi Wall Plate To Their Website
by ehdmieHDMI.com is pleased to announce the addition of a new product to their website. Effective immediately beige HDMI wall plates are available to purchase on the internet store.
September 2006
HDMI.com Announces Drop in Price on their 5x1 HDMI Switch
by ehdmi & 1 othereHDMI.com, one of the internet's fastest growing HDTV destininations, is pleased to announce even further savings on their fast selling, 5X1 Enhanced HDMI Switch with built-in Equalizer (REV.2.0). The previous selling price was $132.73, and now can be purchased for the low price of $122.73.
June 2006
Le Monde.fr : La haute définition cadenassée
by nhoizeyla puce de chiffrement HDCP permet de vérifier le degré de protection octroyé par l'éditeur ou le diffuseur à tout contenu transitant par la prise HDMI, grâce à un système baptisé ICT
(3 marks)