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PUBLIC MARKS with tags hsteacher:math & hs:math

01 January 2007 12:00

Pre-Algebra, Algebra, & Geometry

by knann
Billings Public Schools Math Video Project. Math videos produced by high school teachers and aligned with their textbooks. Ongoing project but many videos available.

02 December 2006 23:00

Le Active Math

by knann
The design and development of LeActiveMath learning content aims at advancing e-learning in high schools by following a sound constructivist pedagogical approach providing a learning experience tailored to the needs of the students. ActiveMath is an intelligent learning environement that adapts to your mastery level: It tries to estimate your current knowledge, among others depending on the exercises you solved, the texts you read, etc.This book is an introduction into differential calculus. Using a hiking tour as an example, we successively introduce the notions "difference quotient", "derivative", and "derivative function". Finally, the most important rules of differentiation are treated. Note that some of the examples and exercises in this book are generated automatically, based on the data (fields of interest, state of knowledge, etc.) in your learner model. So every user gets his own individually adapted version of this book.

04 October 2006 10:45


by knann
Mathcasts can Help students learn & review math. Help teachers collaborate & improve their teaching. Help parents help their children and enable them to see examples of their childrens' work. was created to give students a library of math tutorials and problem solutions and to give teachers a place to share their methods for teaching & learn from others. It's also a place where students & teachers can contribute and organize sets of movies for others or themselves to use.

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last mark : 20/01/2007 14:17