August 2007
Ajaxian » Purple Include: Transclusions, you know you want them!
by nhoizeyPurple Include is a client-side JavaScript library that allows you to do client-side transclusions. What the heck is a transclusion I hear you say? "A transclusion is the inclusion of part of a document into another document by reference".
February 2006
feedmarker: Admin>import_opml
by ycc2106Import OPML File Note: this may take a while, because all your feeds will be updated at once. OPML filename Tags to apply to all imported feeds Note: if your feeds are organized in folders, Feedmarker will apply folder names as tags for each feed.
January 2006
by xderamAJAX技术比刷页方式节省带宽的比例换算公式: ( 交互次数(刷页交互流量 - AJAX交互量) - (AJAX版首次加增加量) ) / (刷页*交互次数 + 首次加载页面大小)
(6 marks)