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PUBLIC MARKS with tags "intelligence artificielle" & jeu


Peter Molyneux : L'avenir du jeu est dans l'intelligence artificielle émotionnelle - FingLive!

by parmentierf
Milo est un enfant capable de voir notre monde, de se souvenir de nos interactions avec lui, qui s’adapte et s’inspire de vous. Milo va nous faire entrer dans l’ère de l’intelligence artificielle émotionnelle. Il peut parler, avoir des conversations avec vous, interagir de manière totalement naturelle. “Milo va être fasciné par le joueur et inversement. Et c’est cela qui est la vraie narration”,


Game AI for Developers —

by parmentierf (via)
This web-site is the hub of the online game AI community. It includes a leading blog about artificial intelligence in games, a friendly and buzzing forum, as well as a knowledge base in the wiki.

Game/AI: Fixing Pathfinding Once and For All

by parmentierf
I need to talk about some problems we face with pathfinding. In order to prove that these problems still exist, I felt the need to make this video ... which will hopefully be taken in the humorous and lighthearted spirit in which it was intended

2006 | AI versus AI: N.E.R.O. on Linux

by parmentierf
If you've ever been frustrated with the artificial intelligence (AI) in video games, then you are a prime candidate for Neuro-Evolving Robotic Operatives (N.E.R.O.), a cross-platform combat game where the key to winning is training your own intelligent non-player characters. On the field of play, the only rule is "let the best AI win." I tested my skills with the Linux client, and found N.E.R.O. to be a very different sort of game.

2005 Inc.

by srcmax & 3 others
Pensez à un objet et l'ordinateur le trouvera en moins de 20 questions...

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apprentissage +   chatterbot +   ector +   ia +   python +  

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