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PUBLIC MARKS with tag launcher


by jdrsantos
This is a multi purpose launcher and a more advanced and customizable version of windows run. The program originated as I was sick of spending too much time searching for programs through my ever growing windows start-menu, and also I missed a tool that could ease and optimize my daily work flow. There was of course already programs like this available, but each had it's annoyance or missing features or too(!) geeky.


Alfred App

by nhoizey & 2 others
Alfred is a quicklaunch application for Mac OS X, which aims to save you time in searching your local computer and the web. Whether it's maps, Amazon, eBay, Wikipedia, you can feed your web addiction quicker than ever before.

Create a Minimalist "Undesktop" for Distraction-Free Productivity - Desktop - Lifehacker

by ghis
If you really want to get down to business and get things done, you need to create an environment conducive to productivity. I do it by eliminating everything that might distract me from accomplishing what I want. The goal of creating a minimalist desktop is to eliminate the distractions and focus on just the tools that you need to actually get things done. Today we'll take a look at how you can set up your PC to focus on the tools that get things done.


Blaze - Automated Desktop Experience

by ycc2106
A QS like launcher for windows * Launches Applications. * Browses the File-System and the Web. * Searches for stuff on the Web. * Performs calculations. * Creates emails on-the-fly. * Inserts quick texts. * Perform CMD commands on a specific Explorer Window. * And more...

Google Quick Search Box

by ycc2106
search online local files, applicazion, the performe an action w/ it

2008 - Télécharger : Launchers

by Dawa
Des lanceurs pour dégager son bureau sous WinXP et lancer des appli ou dossiers facilement. Je vous recommande Launchy et FreeLaunchBar. Ouf.

Download Launchers & Shutdown Tools - page 1 - Softpedia

by Dawa
Permet de faire du rangement dans son WinXP et d'installer un petit lanceur de programmes ou dossiers. Après on y voit plus clair !

Geek to Live: Manage multiple Firefox profiles

by nhoizey & 3 others
Une solution sur Mac OS X pour lancer automatiquement Firefox avec un profil particulier. Un peu compliqué, mais pratique !

Geek to Live: Manage multiple Firefox profiles

by nhoizey
Une solution sur Mac OS X pour lancer automatiquement Firefox avec un profil particulier. Un peu compliqué, mais pratique !


by nhoizey
Launcher is a small background-only utility application for Mac OS X 10.2 or later.


Enso Launcher - by Humanized

by wabaus
"Navigate your computer with ease." For those who use Windows, but got hooked on QuickSilver for the Mac :)


LaunchBar 4

by yodalpha & 1 other (via)
LaunchBar is an award winning productivity utility that provides instant access to your applications, documents, contacts and bookmarks, to your music library, to search engines and more, just by entering short abbreviations of the searched item's name.

nrLaunch Skin

by rikaizm
ã ã ¿ã ³å ã ©ã ³ã 㠣㠼skin


by Riduidel & 9 others
Un clone aux fonctionnalités très limitées de Quicksilver, mais déja très pratique pour ne plus toucher le menu Démarrer


by flubba & 9 others
Launchy is a free windows utility designed to help you forget about your start menu, the icons on your desktop, and even your file manager. Launchy indexes the programs in your start menu and can launch your documents, project files, folders, and bookmark

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag launcher

alfred +   application +   gratuit +   lanceur +   logiciel +   mac +  

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