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PUBLIC MARKS with tags launcher & mac


Alfred App

by nhoizey & 2 others
Alfred is a quicklaunch application for Mac OS X, which aims to save you time in searching your local computer and the web. Whether it's maps, Amazon, eBay, Wikipedia, you can feed your web addiction quicker than ever before.


Geek to Live: Manage multiple Firefox profiles

by nhoizey & 3 others
Une solution sur Mac OS X pour lancer automatiquement Firefox avec un profil particulier. Un peu compliqué, mais pratique !

Geek to Live: Manage multiple Firefox profiles

by nhoizey
Une solution sur Mac OS X pour lancer automatiquement Firefox avec un profil particulier. Un peu compliqué, mais pratique !


by nhoizey
Launcher is a small background-only utility application for Mac OS X 10.2 or later.



LaunchBar 4

by yodalpha & 1 other (via)
LaunchBar is an award winning productivity utility that provides instant access to your applications, documents, contacts and bookmarks, to your music library, to search engines and more, just by entering short abbreviations of the searched item's name.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag launcher

alfred +   application +   gratuit +   lanceur +   logiciel +   mac +  

Active users

Jeremy B.
last mark : 27/12/2010 13:28

last mark : 24/03/2010 11:35

last mark : 06/03/2010 17:40

last mark : 23/08/2007 14:45

last mark : 28/09/2006 11:12