February 2010
dbrec - Intelligent music recommendations for and from the Web of Data
by Xavier Lacotdbrec is a new kind of recommender system, entirely based on Semantic Web and Linked Data technologies, providing recommendations for 39,000 artists from DBpedia (and consequently from Wikipedia) based on the relationships that they hold together, either directly (e.g. having played together) or indirectly (e.g. playing the same genre, sharing a common record label or even being associated in a particular cultural movement).
January 2009
Semantic Web labs des Petites Cases
by parmentierfCette page a vocation à rassembler toutes les expériences concernant les technologies du Web sémantique effectuées dans le cadre de mon blog les petites cases.
Ces exemples n'ont aucune prétention autre que pédagogique et démonstratif. Leur pérennité n'est pas garantie.
(2 marks)