07 June 2010
Stratégies de développement des médias digitaux #slideshow | mikiane.com
by HKStratégies de développement des médias digitaux #slideshow - web data apps (ludique, informative, riches)
26 May 2010
18 May 2010
The power of transmedia storytelling - SmartPlanet
by HKTransmedia storytelling, often referred to as crossmedia or multiplatform storytelling takes the elements of a character’s narrative and applies them uniquely to each medium while extending the story.
Résultats Google Recherche d'images correspondant à http://deusexmachinatio.typepad.com/.a/6a00d8341ef9a653ef01347fb2804e970c-500wi
by HKa spiderweb transmedia experience...
10 May 2010
Traditional Ways Of Judging ‘Quality’ In Published Content Are Now Useless | paidContent
by HKBen Elowitz (@elowitz) is co-founder and CEO of Wetpaint, a platform for social web sites, and author of the Digital Quarters blog. Prior to Wetpaint, Elowitz co-founded Blue Nile, the online retailer of luxury goods. He is also an angel investor in various media and e-commerce companies.
06 May 2010
Ecrire pour le Web en 2010
by HK & 1 otherTechniques et bonnes pratiques pour Écrire pour le Web Remis à jour le 2 janvier 2010 Présentation conçue par Luc Legay (Les Explorateurs du Web) en collaboration avec Joël Ronez (Ronez.net), Jean-Philippe Cathelin (A Conseil), Sébastien Bailly (Paris-Normandie), Xavier de Mazenod (Adverbe.com). Autres sources : Jean-Marc Hardy (redaction.be), Jakob Nielsen (useit.com), Laurent Goffin (gwix.net) Diffusable sous licence Creative Commons by-nc-nd/2.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/2.0/fr/
Storyworlds: The New Transmedia Business Paradigm
by HKJeff Gomez (head dude at Starlight Runner Entertainment, and general good guy) gives yet another informative presentation on the real world (business) models in today's transmedia. (If you like this, you might want to read the interview we did with Jeff: 'The Transmedia Equation, Part 1: Top-Down Development with Jeff Gomez').
Narrative Structure « Digital Worlds – Interactive Media and Game Design
by HKfrom linear to branching to foldback story - scheme
05 May 2010
Lance Weiler on the "Storyworld" - Filmmaker Magazine - Winter 2009
by HKThis is no longer the case. We are now in a time of open creativity when amateurs and professionals are collaborating around media in ways similar to how those in the open-source software movement work together to develop, share and maintain software code.
(11 marks)