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PUBLIC MARKS with tags mobile & apps


The Complete Guide to Anonymous Apps -- NYMag

by sbrothier
Anonymity came back into vogue. Today, there are literally dozens of anonymous sharing apps that allow you to vent, confess, or share secrets with strangers while going incognito. These apps are so popular, in fact, that it's hard to keep track of them all. In an attempt to catalogue the emerging trend, I downloaded 25 different anonymous apps to my phone — every one I could find on the App Store — and tested each one. Here's the complete, exhaustive rundown:


ShoutEm - Make an App - Build Apps with Easy Application Creator

by oseres & 1 other
Mobile App Maker Create beautiful mobile apps with no effort and in no time


by rmaltete & 8 others
open-source development platform for apps (7 types)

Sechs coole Apps für Webdesigner

by 84GHz
Um nicht bei jeder Kleinigkeit das Laptop aus der Tasche kramen zu müssen, haben wir sechs coole Apps zusammengetragen, die Webdesigner mobil nutzen können:

Share | Zwoor

by oseres
All event materials at your fingertips for your Conference, Tradeshow or Event participants. Your Event Materials Go Mobile Your attendees carry an iPhone, an iPad or an Android smartphone, and they now expect the agenda, the meeting materials, maps, tradeshow exhibitors and conference alerts right at their fingertips. Our native apps do not require connectivity all the time, and we know that some of the conference or trade show venues are not built with connectivity in mind. With our app, we store the data on the mobile device, and synch only when connected. We would love to mobilize your conference,  trade show or other type of event. If interested, please contact us:


OCTO talks ! » Débat : Web Apps VS Natif

by oseres (via)
Application native : Application conçue spécifiquement pour une plateforme en utilisant le SDK propre à celle ci. Web app : Application réalisée via un site Web optimisé pour mobile


by wabaus & 7 others
PhoneGap is an HTML5 app platform that allows you to author native applications with web technologies and get access to APIs and app stores. PhoneGap leverages web technologies developers already know best... HTML and JavaScript.

Sencha Touch

by wabaus & 4 others
Develop native looking apps for iphone & android

Android Apps: Myth Defense LF

by alamat (via)
“Myth Defense: Light Forces” has the best elements of tower defense games and also includes such original features as alchemy, random maps, campaign and more. The game supports all screen resolutions, and it is highly recommended for HD devices.

jQuery Mobile

by 84GHz & 8 others
Mobile Geräte und Webapps


9 creative uses of QR Codes for your business | memeburn

by HK
With the exponential rise in mobile internet access there is no doubt in my mind that 2D codes (also known as Quick Response, or QR Codes) will become a trusty tool for “tagging” real-world objects with virtual information.

Apple Announces iAd Mobile Advertising Platform

by HK
Apple will sell and host the ads, giving 60% of ad revenue back to developers, and Jobs says that developers can add ads to their apps “in an afternoon”. Unlike most mobile ads, which kick users outside of the application they’re currently using, iAd keeps users in the same app. In a jab at Flash, while showing an ad, Jobs said “Oh, by the way, all of this is done in HTML 5.

Android now outselling iPhone

by flakki & 1 other
Smartphones carrying Google's Android operating system outsold the iPhone in the first quarter of 2010, according to new research out today from NPD.


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