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PUBLIC MARKS with tags mobile & facebook


Facebook will now track your browsing history on external sites & mobile apps

by gregg
Facebook has found new, far more intrusive ways to exploit your personal information. The company will now use information from your web browsing history to display tailored advertisements on its site.


Mozilla in Asia » Blog Archive » Mark Zuckerberg on HTML5 at Facebook

by srcmax

If a company like Facebook sees the value in an HTML5-based web application that can run across many modern mobile devices, that, to me is a great testament to the power of the web vs. native mobile apps. Clearly native apps have their place but the more fragmentation we see in the mobile space in both operating systems as well as devices (there are now tablet devices coming out in many different sizes from 11 inches to 7 inches an every size in between) the more important the web will be.

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