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PUBLIC MARKS with tags my-install-notes & checkinstall

07 November 2005 16:00

Klik Blog - the easiest way to install software - even as non-root user or from a Live-CD.

by macroron
each software package is one compressed cmg file. delete software packages without problems for other software. save cmg files everywhere, this solution is very flexible

Klik Home - the easiest way to install software - even as non-root user or from a Live-CD.

by macroron & 11 others
each software package is one compressed cmg file. delete software packages without problems for other software. save cmg files everywhere, this solution is very flexible.

Klik: Documentation - the easiest way to install software - even as non-root user or from a Live-CD.

by macroron
each software package is one compressed cmg file. delete software packages without problems for other software. save cmg files everywhere, this solution is very flexible

07 November 2005 14:30

One-click installation with Klik - Article to read* - the easiest way to install software - even as non-root user or from a Live-CD.

by macroron
each software package is one compressed cmg file. delete software packages without problems for other software. save cmg files everywhere, this solution is very flexible.

Active users

last mark : 07/11/2005 16:13