Home - Pink Paper
by sbrothier & 1 other (via)Pink Paper is Britain’s only national lesbian, gay and bisexual newspaper and the biggest circulating gay publication of any kind in the country.
But it’s unique in many more ways than that. While it’s one of the oldest queer titles, founded in 1987, it now has one of the country’s most modern gay websites and we were the first title in the market to put citizen journalists at the forefront of what we do, through our innovative Your.PinkPaper.com site.
Hillary Clinton: I'm not a lesbian
by soul1383Friday, September 21st 2007, 4:00 AM
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Hillary Clinton has publicly announced that she is not a lesbian.
Hillary Clinton officially declared she's not a lesbian - not that there's anything wrong
LGBT World Daily News
by unagidea & 1 other LGBT World Daily News by simone.
This site is good to know LB sean which spoken English.
(5 marks)