public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags readstuff & fromDel

February 2005

The new Chief Inquisitor on campus

by mikepower
From ethics committees to ‘learning outcomes’, the threat to academic freedom comes from within the university as much as from without. By Frank Ferudi

January 2005

Squashed Philosophers- Condensed Plato Aristotle Augustine Descartes Hume Marx Freud Copernicus Hobbes Sartre Ayer Sade Wittgenstein Einstein

by mikepower & 17 others
The books which defined the way The West thinks now Condensed and abridged to keep the substance, the style and the quotes, but ditching all that irritating verbiage.

Philip Pullman: Common sense has much to learn from moonshine

by mikepower
If we want children to write well, giving them formal instruction in grammar turns out not to be any use; getting them actually writing seems to help a great deal more. There was no evidence at all that the teaching of grammar had any beneficial effect on

December 2004

40 Tips for Proper English

by mikepower & 1 other
Amusing guide to grammar for pedants everywhere

The Media Drop: Newspapers with RSS: A List

by mikepower & 1 other
142 plus US nespapers from Arizona Republic to Witcita Business Journal, all with RSSfeeds.

Lists of Bests. A one-stop shop to find all the "best of" books, music, and movie lists.

by mikepower & 1 other
We're also providing a way for you to keep track of the books you've read, the CDs you've listened to, and the movies you've watched from the lists.

Circle of Cliches. Tom Payne's guide to the words that reviewers and publishers love too much

by mikepower
When did you last come across the words "coruscating" or "magisterial"? It's unlikely to have been in a holiday brochure or a recipe. Surely it was on the back of a book or in a book review.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag readstuff

culture +   education +   fromDel +   philosophy +   politics +   t +   writestuff +  

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last mark : 18/02/2005 18:52