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PUBLIC MARKS with tags search & semantic



Semantic Search

by solveig_vidal & 1 other (via)
exemple de moteur de recherche sémantique développé par DERI (Ireland)


About Semantic Search - Web 3.0 for Drupal | Semantic Search - Faceted Search and Web 3.0 for Drupal

by solveig_vidal (via)
Welcome to the home of Semantic Search - bringing the Semantic Web to Drupal. The Semantic Web (Web 3.0) is a huge effort which will take many years to complete. Some obstacles are technical, some political, and others are economic. This module is to reduce the barrier to entry for small organizations into using RDF as a complimentary content repository to Drupals native RDBMS.


Swoogle Semantic Web Search Engine

by clochix & 11 others
Swoogle is a search engine for the Semantic Web on the Web. Swoogle crawl the World Wide Web for a special class of web documents called Semantic Web documents, which are written in RDF. Currently, it provides the following services to the following services: * search Semantic Web ontologies * search Semantic Web instance data * search Semantic Web terms, i.e., URIs that have been defined as classes and properties * provide metadata of Semantic Web documents and support browsing the Semantic Web. * archive different versions of Semantic Web documents

Aduna - Products

by clochix
A company developping OOS for professional search, semantic middleware, and developer products

Aperture Framework : a Java framework for getting data and metadata

by clochix & 1 other
Aperture is a Java framework for extracting and querying full-text content and metadata from various information systems (e.g. file systems, web sites, mail boxes) and the file formats (e.g. documents, images) occurring in these systems.

Swoogle Semantic Web Search Engine

by ycc2106 & 11 others
Swoogle is designed to serve the research activities in Semantic Web community, especially the following: to study the growth and evolution of the semantic web by efficiently querying a comprehensive database of SWD metadata - to collect, index and search the definition and usage of Semantic Web Terms (SWTs) (i.e. Classes and Properties) as well corresponding Semantic Web Ontologies (SWOs) - to enable "distributed" knowledge sharing by making knowledge visible and easy to access - to support semantic web tools such as MindSwap Lab's SWOOP ontology editor in finding relevant ontologies, KSL's Inference Web infrastructure in finding distributed proofs.

GenerateScape's BigBlogZoo

by ycc2106 & 3 others
For windows, find out what your customers are saying about your company, create a media portal, or just support your website with news. If you do web research or you want content for your website you should try the BigBlogZoo or try the professional versi


PUBLIC TAGS related to tag search

article +   beneficienza +   buono +   charity +   good +   internet +   meta +   motore di ricerca +   semantic +   tags +  

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