September 2007
Web 2.0 People Search Engines
by arnaudfischerIf Web 1.0 was about linking information then Web 2.0 is really about linking people as pointed out by Mills Davis from Project10. The social network phenomenon is creating an unprecedented and growing amount of buzz and is already channeling significant amounts of traffic around. IceRocket Blog Trends reports about 400 posts a day referring to the phrase "social network". Nielsen BuzzMetrics Blogpulse shows an increase of 200% in 6 months from 0.015% blog share of voice in March 2007 to over 0.045% in September 2007.
April 2007
Search is the Internet OS!: TrailFire social search buzz, user engagement and network effect.
by arnaudfischerSocial search engines are working hard at developing a dialog with their user-base requesting feedback and encouraging engagement. Most are building search on the premise that people can add a whole lot more incremental value on top of traditional keyword matching algorithmic engines. Adoption and ramping up usage is one of social search engines’ critical success factors to build scale, reach critical mass and generate that network effect to effectively surface that “people & community” value layer, although not everybody needs to be tagging, commenting, sharing, bookmarking for social search to be effective. TrailFire’s approach is pretty good. Discover what you are looking for on the Web using like-minded people’s trails. Trails can be private or public, shared via email, by posting them on any website or by publishing them on Following is TrailFire’s latest announcement from CEO John O’Halloran.
March 2007
Search is the Internet OS!: Lijit redesign - Who\'s Being Searched Right Now?
by arnaudfischer Lijit redesign - Who's Being Searched Right Now?
Lijit redesigned their home page in the past days, giving it a “more open, roomy, and serene feeling”, “all the same functionality without the clutter”, according to the Lijit blog. You can still check out the old lijit home page from the Google cache and the new one as of this morning.
Search is the Internet OS!
by arnaudfischer & 1 otherSocial search democratizing revenue share models
There is a shift taking place from pure algorithmic search to social search. The explosion of consumer generated media (CGM), the emergence of social search and the rise of the Net's culture of participation will eventually force a democratization of the Web's economics. There is a shift taking place from few with the power to users getting empowered. Content generating users (i.e. traffic, eye balls) will increasingly share the wealth. The Web is slowly but surely leveling the playing field for the rest of us in the tail.
February 2007
Search is the Internet OS!: Social search is all the buzz.
by arnaudfischerSocial search is gaining quiet a bit of momentum these days. Social search is rising in popularity for about the same reasons Internet sentiment analysis, online buzz monitoring and brand reputation management are.
Consumer generated content is exploding. 44% of internet users are content creators (PEW) and a significant ratio of the top 10 results for more queries are consumer generated media such as blogs and other content sharing and discovery engines.
(5 marks)