04 April 2006 19:00
Clipmark: Tag cloud - is it useful
by pmadhu_sudhanWhile my earlier post was from Clipmarks top tags, http://clipmarks.com/clipmark/19F05934-BC6B-4259-AA13-09609323F9A2/ this one is from Rojo top tags. It would be really challenging to find a difference.
Tag cloud - is it useful
by pmadhu_sudhan & 1 otherWhile my earlier post was from Clipmarks top tags, http://clipmarks.com/clipmark/19F05934-BC6B-4259-AA13-09609323F9A2/ this one is from Rojo top tags. It would be really challenging to find a difference.
Clipmark: TAGs doesn't all tagclouds look similar
by pmadhu_sudhanI wonder if there is any real value of Tag clouds. Any online set of information would generate a very similar tag cloud. With Google, funny, Bush etc dominating the list.
TAGs doesn't all tagclouds look similar
by pmadhu_sudhan & 3 othersI wonder if there is any real value of Tag clouds. Any online set of information would generate a very similar tag cloud. With Google, funny, Bush etc dominating the list.
(4 marks)