December 2008
The Photo Board Tumblr Theme |
by simon_bricoloSuperbe thème tumblr pour afficher des images
July 2008
May 2008
QuickPost Wordpress Plugin |
by simon_bricoloInspired by the's bookmarklet which allows users to quickly and easily post to their Tumblr blog, This plugin allows you to quickly post text, images, photos, quotes, and videos to your Wordpress implementation. Annotated link http://www.diigo
August 2007
April 2007
Bazooka - Free PHP Tumbleblog |
by simon_bricoloTumblelogs are quick-and-dirty. They are loosely structured and used to share various iotas of interest. Throw a link log, a moblog, a quote blog, and a code blog (colog? quoblog?) into a blender and out pops a delicious, fat free tumblelog.
(5 marks)