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PUBLIC MARKS with tags w3c & api


Navigation Timing

by Xavier Lacot
This brand new specification defines an interface for web applications to access timing information related to navigation and elements. When implemented, this will help track web pages frontend performance.


File API

by marco (via)
This specification provides an API for representing file objects in web applications, as well as programmatically selecting them and accessing their data.

Geolocation API Specification

by greut & 1 other

The Geolocation API defines a high-level interface to location information associated with the hosting device, such as latitude and longitude.

future or web mashups are geo localized


Geolocation API Specification

by Xavier Lacot & 2 others (via)
This specification defines an API that provides scripted access to geographical location information associated with the hosting device.



Playing with the new Validator API - W3C QA Weblog

by camel
A new release of the W3C Markup Validator is usually good news for Web designers: it means bug fixes, better documentation, more document types supported, and little usability improvements to make the life of HTML coders easier. The latest version of the validator, released this week, is also good news for developers, giving us a new toy to play with, and build upon.


PUBLIC TAGS related to tag w3c

api +   file +   file api +   files +   upload +  

Active users

Xavier Lacot
last mark : 11/01/2011 10:23

last mark : 14/12/2009 11:42

last mark : 06/02/2009 11:06

last mark : 11/04/2007 11:40

last mark : 27/10/2006 08:37

last mark : 19/11/2005 15:38