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PUBLIC MARKS with tags web & email


Woffu - Adaptate a la ley del teletrabajo

by asteri
Gestion online de vacaciones, presencia, ausencia de empleados.



PostageApp - Benefits & Features

by oseres
Easily manage and track all the email that your web apps send, using a set of tools built by developers just like you.

Crypter une adresse email

by p.fassier & 4 others
Coder les adresses email sur les pages web pour qu'elles soient indétectables par les logiciels d'extraction


Lire un site web directement dans votre navigateur

by Giraultises & 1 other (via)
Web2PDF est un service de conversion de fichier en document PDF. Ce n'est pas tellement là le point intéressant, mais ce service permet, via un simple envoi d'email à submit [at], de convertir la cible d'une url ,donnée dans le corps de l'email, en PDF. Vous recevrez ensuite dans votre boite l'url sous la forme d'un PDF. Peu s'avérer pratique...

Connaitre le statut de toutes vos applications Web

by Giraultises & 1 other (via)
downrightnow est un service gratuit qui vous permettra de connaitre le statut de fonctionnement de plusieurs services Web. Grâce à ce monitoring, vous saurez si tel ou tel services est temporairement "down" (inaccessible) ou pas.


Créez votre spambox temporaire !

by parmentierf & 8 others (via)
Grâce à ce service vous pouvez créer une adresse e-mail temporaire qui transmettra tout courrier entrant à votre e-mail habituel. Entrez simplement votre adresse e-mail et le moment d'expiration de votre spambox et nous allons vous générer une e-mail temporaire. « Share your email in a safe way. Get less spam.

by parmentierf & 6 others
Convert your email address into a short, cute and safe link you can share on the web, in Twitter, forums, Craigslist, anywhere

Spitfire | Web Based Software CMS for Business

by gregg
What is Spitfire Spitfire is everything you need to run your business online. Harness the power of 6 software suites in one interface. Spitfire runs your website, performs email marketing, collects leads, automatically grows your customer database, sells your products and services, manages your inventory and lets you automate business tasks while providing better customer service and outsmarting your competition!

Testing Software for Web Professionals - Litmus

by gregg & 9 others
The advanced testing tool for web professionals. We've felt the pain of getting website designs to work correctly across different browsers. Not to mention designing email newsletters that work on all email clients. Litmus makes compatibility testing easier. Litmus is lightning-fast, reliable and affordable. It's relied upon by thousands of smart freelancers and switched-on agencies; as well as big companies like Yahoo!, Facebook and eBay.

Digg no longer the Favorite | I Do Info Tech

by greut

The data are illustrated below in the chart provided by ShareThis. The results are likely an accurate reflection of the various sharing services popularity on the web as a whole as ShareThis is extremely popular:

  • Email is by far most popular sharing service getting 57%.
  • Facebook is the second most popular sharing service at 21%
  • Digg has dropped significantly in popularity to 2%

How people share things using ShareThis. When are we gonna see XMPP coming?

2008 » Nine ways to obfuscate e-mail addresses compared

by damdec & 3 others
When displaying an e-mail address on a website you obviously want to obfuscate it to avoid it getting harvested by spammers. But which obfuscation method is the best one? I drove a test to find out. Here are the results:

Redmine - Overview - Redmine

by camel
Redmine is a flexible project management web application. Written using Ruby on Rails framework, it is cross-platform and cross-database. Redmine is open source and released under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL). Overview * Multiple projects support * Flexible role based access control. * Flexible issue tracking system * Gantt chart and calendar * News, documents & files management * Feeds & email notifications. * Per project wiki * Per project forums * Simple time tracking functionality * Custom fields for issues, projects and users * SCM integration (SVN, CVS, Mercurial, Bazaar and Darcs) * Multiple LDAP authentication support * User self-registration support * Multilanguage support * Multiple databases support

Litmus: Painlessly test your email and website designs

by nhoizey & 9 others
Litmus shows you precisely how your designs will be seen by your customers. We deliver screenshots of your web sites and email newsletters in seconds across all popular platforms.


Home | Email Standards Project

by nhoizey & 22 others
Our goal is to help designers understand why web standards are so important for email, while working with email client developers to ensure that emails render consistently. A community effort to improve the email experience for both designers and readers

Home | Email Standards Project

by fastclemmy & 22 others
The Email Standards Project works with email client developers and the design community to improve web standards support and accessibility in email.

Facebook, SMS, Messenger, Twitter... la mort de l'e-mail?

by kooolman
"Ceux qui ont plus de 25 ans ne peuvent imaginer une vie sans e-mail. Pour la génération Facebook, il est difficile d'imaginer une vie limitée à l'e-mail, et encore plus une vie avant cet outil. Je me rappelle encore ce moment de fierté, en 1996, quand j'ai envoyé mon premier courrier électronique depuis un ordinateur de mon université. C'était comme envoyer une carte postale depuis le futur. Rien ne pouvait être plus rapide et plus facile que le courrier électronique. Dix ans plus tard, l'e-mail est devenu obsolète."

Tester vos campagnes d'emailing

by Giraultises & 23 others (via)
Campaign Monitor est un service payant qui vous permettra de tester la compatibilité avec les différentes boites email existantes sur le marché. Vous pourrez aussi détecter la probabilité d'être reçu comme spam. Un service payant qui peut-être bien utile!

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag web

ajax +   audio + +   email +   flash +   free +   mail +   messages +   messenger +   online +   phone +   skype +   software +   tools +   voice +   voicemail +   web2.0 +   website +   免费 +   分享 +   国外 +   工具 +  

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last mark : 03/03/2008 21:18

last mark : 15/01/2008 09:04

last mark : 28/11/2007 13:19

last mark : 26/11/2007 21:04

last mark : 21/11/2007 10:07

last mark : 08/11/2007 08:14

last mark : 25/10/2007 07:48