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PUBLIC MARKS with tags web & myspace


2009 | In-Depth Tracking, Analytics for Online Video | Web Video Syndication

by keusta & 9 others
TubeMogul is the first online video analytics and distribution company serving publishers large and small who need independent information about video performance on the Internet and automated upload to the Web's top video sharing sites.



by SaintJaya (via)
Sanjaya Malakar is a contestant on American Idol. A blog dedicated to Sanjaya and American Idol.

Bush is Committed - Politics & Government Jokes - JibJab

by Gizmoz & 1 other (via)
Joke Originally Submitted by: aasimpy. "I made this over at - took a few minutes, and then I added in the flash bulbs and other audio fx on my own. The joke was from Letterman."

The "OFFICIAL WHIZ" on MySpace

by Whiz (via)
Looking for "The Whiz" look no further. A lot of people are looking for Whiz, but can't find him in the midst of all the wanna-bees on myspace. No worries. Myspace has room for all, Communities of people are looking for any actual Whiz Info, very often in vain, but Whiz can be found! Just be tenacious in your search. Do not get WIZed-OFF, be patient. > l am Lonelygirl15 Hear my Story

by Gizmoz, 1 comment (via)
LonelyGirl15 - the YouTube celebrity tells the truth about herself. If all she did was tell her story... but she includes a threat to sum it up! She's got some nerve!

MySpace - Wikipédia

by pvergain
MySpace est un site Web de réseau social fondé aux États-Unis, qui met gratuitement à disposition de ses membres enregistrés un espace web personnalisé, permettant d'y faire un blog, d'y envoyer ses photos et d'y remplir diverses informations personnelles. Le site possède aussi un système de messagerie qui permet de communiquer entre membres. Il permet par ailleurs d'y entreposer ses compositions musicales. Il est ainsi connu pour héberger de nombreux sites internet de groupes de musique. Fondé par Tom Anderson et Chris DeWolfe, MySpace a été racheté par le groupe de Rupert Murdoch, News Corp., en juillet 2005. Le service était en octobre 2005 le quatrième site le plus consulté au monde derrière ceux de Yahoo!, AOL et MSN et devant celui d'eBay. En date du 4 juillet 2006, il comptait 90 000 000 utilisateurs, premier site du web. A compter de la mi-août 2006, Myspace lance une version française du site,, dont la version officielle est sortie le 17 janvier 2007 alors qu'elle avait été annoncée pour le 11 janvier 2007 ; le slogan anglais a place for friends est traduit « un site pour les amis ». La très grande fréquentation de MySpace a permis à certains de ses membres d’émerger. Selon Wired News, MySpace, subit la pression des majors de l'industrie du disque pour ne plus diffuser de la musique sous copyright[1]. Une procédure juridique a d'ailleurs été entamée par Universal Music (novembre 2006). Liens externes [modifier


by jasonbentley & 1 other
Only three things are certain in life. MySpace, Taxes, and Death. If you have a MySpace account and you die, this is where you will end up. memorializes deceased MySpace users and picks up where a regular obituary leaves off.

MySpace Mashup

by sylviam & 1 other
The 1st MySpace Mashup. It allows you to organize and tag your MySpace friends.

MySpace Friends Organizer

by tagtooga & 1 other
Organize your MySpace Friends in

Identity Production in a Networked Culture: Why Youth Heart MySpace

by bcpbcp & 6 others (via)
I want to talk with you today about how teenagers are using a website called I will briefly describe the site and then discuss how youth use it for identity production and socialization in contemporary American society. I have been following MySpace since its launch in 2003. Initially, it was the home to 20-somethings interested in indie music in Los Angeles. Today, you will be hard pressed to find an American teenager who does not know about the site, regardless of whether or not they participate. Over 50 million accounts have been created and the majority of participants are what would be labeled youth - ages 14-24. MySpace has more pageviews per day than any site on the web except Yahoo! (yes, more than Google or MSN).

Calif. school suspends 20 who saw Web site

by jasontromm (via)
A middle school student faces expulsion for allegedly posting graphic threats against a classmate on the popular Web site, and 20 of his classmates were suspended for viewing the posting, school officials said. ()() Way to go! This shows absolutely Zero Intelligence on the part of school administrators.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag web

3d +   AASIMPY +   animated +   animation +   avatar +   avatars +   blog +   blogs +   bush +   comedy +   design +   face +   free +   funny +   generated +   gizmoz +   humor +   humour +   internet +   Jibjab +   joke +   jokes +   letterman +   lip-sync +   myspace +   politics +   social +   software +   talking avatars +   user +   user generated content +   video +   videos +   viral +   web 2.0 +   web2.0 +   webdesign +   youtube +  

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last mark : 02/03/2006 20:12