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PUBLIC MARKS with tags web & tag


Le Chiwawa de nouveau en ligne

by France
Après un petit soucis de serveur, le site refonctionne encore mieux qu'avant !



by nachilau & 7 others
Another auto tag generation online API


Diki live demo — The Pace Project - privacy in the social semantic web

by parmentierf (via)
Diki is a peer-to-peer (or better: friend-to-friend) network for social semantic web application. Think of it as an instant messenger program for social networks like, bibsonomy, citeseer, facebook or studivz. Unlike those social networks, diki does not have a central server that stores your private data. The idea of diki is to create a social network that respects the users' privacy but giving them all functionality that server-based social networks have. In the current release you can create bookmarks, tag them and invite friends. Then you can search for bookmarks in your friends-network.

Do Tags Work?

by greut & 1 other the end of the day, you just google what you are trying to search.


Home | OpenCalais

by parmentierf & 2 others
We want to make all the world's content more accessible, interoperable and valuable. Some call it Web 2.0, Web 3.0, the Semantic Web or the Giant Global Graph - we call our piece of it Calais. Calais is a rapidly growing toolkit of capabilities that allow you to readily incorporate state-of-the-art semantic functionality within your blog, content management system, website or application.

symfony | Web PHP Framework | Plugins | sfDoctrineActAsTaggablePlugin

by Xavier Lacot & 1 other
My sfPropelActAsTaggable plugin finally found a fan on the Doctrine side...

index [MOAT]

by parmentierf & 1 other (via)
MOAT (Meaning Of A Tag) provides a Semantic Web framework to publish semantically-annotated content from free-tagging. While tags are widely used in Web 2.0 services, their lack of machine-understandable meaning can be a problem for information retrieval, especially when people use tags that can have different meanings depending on the context. MOAT aims to solve this by providing a way for users to define meaning(s) of their tag(s) using URIs of Semantic Web resources (such as URIs from dbpedia, geonames … or any knowledge base), and then annotate content with those URIs rather than free-text tags, leveraging content into Semantic Web, by linking data together. Moreover, tag meanings can be shared between people, providing an architecture of participation to define and exchange potential meanings of tags within a community of users. To achieve this goal, MOAT relies on an architecture that can be deployed for any organisation or community and that involves a lightweight ontology, a MOAT server, and some third-party clients .


Active users

last mark : 13/05/2016 08:31

last mark : 07/05/2010 22:57

last mark : 26/02/2009 09:09

last mark : 25/01/2009 16:21

Xavier Lacot
last mark : 15/09/2008 10:02

last mark : 06/01/2008 17:46

last mark : 14/03/2007 12:40