January 2009
SOA is Dead
by nhoizeySOA was supposed to reduce costs and increase agility on a massive scale. Except in rare situations, SOA has failed to deliver its promised benefits. After investing millions, IT systems are no better than before.
March 2008
InfoQ: Hypermedia in RESTful applications
by nhoizeyFlickr's current approach of requiring that clients possess Flickr-specific knowledge in order to progress from one application state to another, is simply another way of saying that they have a proprietary application model. Not only is it proprietary th
REST vs. SOAP at Amazon
by nhoizeyAmazon has both SOAP and REST interfaces to their web services, and 85% of their usage is of the REST interface. Despite all of the corporate hype over the SOAP stack, this is pretty compelling evidence that developers like the simpler REST approach.
November 2007
L'architecture orientée ressource pour faire des services web RESTful - Biologeek : Ubuntu, bio-informatique et geekeries libres d'un bio-informaticien au quotidien.
by nhoizey & 7 othersLe plus gros défaut de REST, c'est sûrement de se limiter à la comparaison des 4 verbes HTTP (GET, POST, PUT et DELETE) aux 4 actions possibles sur des données issues de bases de données (Retrieve, Create, Update et Delete soit CRUD)
October 2007
Pete Lacey’s Weblog :: What is SOA?
by nhoizeyOnce again the participants in the SOA discussion group have got themselves all riled up about what exactly SOA is and why it may or may not be working.
July 2007
REST vs. WS-*: War is Over (If You Want It) :: David Chappell :: Blog
by nhoizey & 1 otherREST is for data-oriented applications that focus on create/read/update/delete scenarios. Solution based on WS-* for service/method-oriented applications, especially those that need more advanced behaviors such as transactions and more-than-basic security
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