04 March 2006
APHID Parallel Game-Tree Search Library
by bcpbcp (via)APHID is an acronym for Asycnhronous Parallel Hierarchical Iterative Deepening. The APHID game-tree search algorithm attempts to accomplish many goals:
* to test out the viability of asynchronous search methods for parallel alpha-beta based search.
* to develop an algorithm that works well across all hardware platforms and applications.
* to implement a tool that can be easily inserted into legacy sequential search algorithms.
19 February 2006
ciberia .:. Putin-chess é um vício na web russa
by bcpbcp (via)Do país das grandes glórias do xadrez chega uma nova moda – o Putin-chess online. O jogo arrisca-se a ser um caso sério de sucesso tão ou mais viciante do que o tetris ou o tamagochi.
(2 marks)