February 2008
September 2007
YUI Library Examples: Event Utility: Simple Event Handling and Processing
by SimayComment intercepter un évènement sur un lien à l'aide de YUI
August 2007
YUI Library Examples: Container Family: Simple Tooltip Example
by Simayparceque les attributs title sont parfois trop courts.... et non persistants...
December 2006
Vitamin Features | 15 Things you can do with Yahoo! UI
by PêUR & 8 othersExemple d'utilisation de la librairie javascript YUI
Yahoo! UI Library (YUI)
by PêUR & 7 othersThe Yahoo! User Interface (YUI) Library is a set of utilities and controls, written in JavaScript, for building richly interactive web applications using techniques such as DOM scripting, DHTML and AJAX. The YUI Library also includes several core CSS resources. All components in the YUI Library have been released as open source under a BSD license and are free for all uses.
Jack Slocum's Blog | Resizable Reloaded - A reusable component for resizing elements
by PêUR & 8 othersExemple d'élément resizable avec la librairie javascript YUI
yui-ext Documentation Center
by PêUR & 3 othersCentre de documentation sur la Librairy javascript YUI (Yahoo! User Interface)
August 2006
(9 marks)