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PUBLIC MARKS from BlueVoodoo with tags programming & java

September 2008

Are all stateful Web applications broken?

HttpSession and friends are trickier than they look. The session state management mechanism provided by the Servlets framework, makes it easy to create stateful applications.

Build Java projects with Raven

In this article, learn how Raven, a build platform built on top of Ruby, leverages the power of a full-featured programming language with the simplicity of a build-centric Domain Specific Language.

Efficient data transfer through zero copy

This article explains how you can improve the performance of I/O-intensive Java applications running on Linux and UNIX platforms through a technique called zero copy. Zero copy lets you avoid redundant data copies between intermediate buffers and reduces the number of context switches between user space and kernel space.

August 2008

Building a calculator with Java programming, Part 1

Build a simple calculator DSL that demonstrates the power of functional languages for building "external" DSLs. Also, explore a new feature of Scala, case classes, and revisits an old functional friend, pattern matching.

Customize JAX-RPC Web services and clients with tools

This tutorial takes you beyond the basics of the JAX-RPC and shows how to customize your JAX-RPC Web services and clients with the help of Apache Axis. All of this is possible with a little customization and a deeper understanding of the Apache Axis toolset.

Monitoring performance and availability of an apps ecosystem

Focus on strategies and techniques for monitoring the performance and availability of an application's supporting and dependent services. This includes the underlying host operating system, the operational database, and messaging infrastructures. The article concludes with a discussion of performance data management issues and data reporting and visualization.

Mastering Grails: The Grails event model

Everything in Grails, from build scripts to individual artifacts such as domain classes and controllers, throw events at key points during an application's life cycle. In this Mastering Grails installment, you'll learn how to set up listeners to catch these events and react to them with custom behavior.

Java run-time monitoring, part 2: Performance monitoring

It's important to monitor the availability and performance of Java applications and their dependencies in production to ensure problem detection and accelerate diagnosis and triage. This second installment presents techniques for instrumenting Java classes and constructs without modifying the original source code.

Use LiquiBase to manage hands-free database migration

Databases are often out of sync with the applications they support, and getting the database and data into a known state is a significant challenge to manage. Learn how the open source LiquiBase database-migration tool can reduce the pain of managing the constant of change with databases and applications.

Java run-time monitoring, Part 1: Run-time performance

Run-time performance monitoring is critical to achieving and maintaining a well-performing system. In this article, the first in a three-part series, Nicholas Whitehead explains how to do low-level granular monitoring of Java performance efficiently.

July 2008

Understanding dynamic business workflows part 1

Inversion of Control (IoC) and Web Services Business Process Execution Language (WS-BPEL) can be effective tools for implementing dynamic business workflows. In this article, learn business workflows' dynamic nature and proposes a two-layer workflow model that lets you use XML to build configurable and flexible solutions.

Use Java APIs for building RPC-based Web services

Remote procedure calls (RPCs) are the precursors to modern Web services that are based on the Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) or Representational State Transfer (REST). This tutorial takes you through getting and installing JAX-RPC, configuring it, and building a server-side RPC receiver and a simple client-side application.

Mastering Grails: Grails and legacy databases

Explore the various ways that Grails can use database tables that don't conform to the Grails naming standard. If you have Java classes that already map to your legacy databases, Grails allows you to use them unchanged. You'll see examples that use Hibernate HBM files and Enterprise JavaBeans 3 annotations with legacy Java classes.

Using static analysis tools to indentify code smells

Refactoring is a well-accepted practice for improving existing code. Yet, how do you find the code that should be refactored, in a consistent and repeatable manner? This installment of Automation for the people explains how to use static analysis tools to identify code smells to refactor, with examples showing how to improve odiferous code.

Java theory and practice: Going wild with generics 2

Wildcards can be very confusing when it comes to generics in the Java language, and one of the most common mistakes is to fail to use one of the two forms of bounded wildcards ("? super T" and "? extends T") when needed. You've made this mistake? Don't feel bad, even the experts have, and this month Brian Goetz shows you how to avoid it.

Robust Java Benchmarking: Statistics and Solutions

Program performance is always a concern, even in this era of high-performance hardware. This article, the second in a two-part series, covers the statistics of benchmarking and offers a framework you can use to benchmark Java code ranging from self-contained microbenchmarks to code that calls a full application.

June 2008

Refine XPath results using predicate matching

Predicates give you advanced and refined searching capabilities, allowing you to evaluate the values of attributes and the parent and child nodes of a targeted element. Rather than find a wider node set and refine or filter that set programmatically, you can add predicates to your XPaths to find exactly the nodes you want.

Mastering Grails: Grails and the mobile Web

The number of cell phone users worldwide is at 3.3 billion and rising, and Internet access from mobile phones is on a rapidly upward trajectory. Developing for the mobile Web has its unique demands. In this installment, learn how to make your Grails applications mobile phone friendly.

Robust Java Benchmarking: Issues

Program performance is always a concern, even in this era of high-performance hardware. This article, the first in a two-part series, guides you around the many pitfalls associated with benchmarking Java code.

Automation for the people: Pushbutton documentation

In this installment of Automation for the people, automation expert Paul Duvall explains how you can use open source tools to automate the generation of Unified Modeling Language (UML) diagrams, build figures, entity-relationship diagrams (ERDs), and even user documentation.

Embed the NASA World Wind Java SDK in Eclipse

The open source World Wind Java (WWJ) SDK by NASA creates new possibilities for the open Geographic Information Systems (GIS) community. This article explains how GIS developers who want to enhance their Eclipse-based applications can embed the WWJ SDK as an Eclipse plug-in.

Understand the benefits of using a native XML database

Native XML databases have grown in popularity along with XML, because data is stored as native XML, rather than through tables in a traditional database. In this tutorial, you will get quickly up to speed using a native XML database and see how to use it to benefit XML development.

May 2008

Build software with Gant (Groovy and Ant)

In this tutorial, get a step-by-step through Gant's fundamental concepts. You'll learn how to define behavior in your build through flexible domain-specific language, how to reuse Ant features, and how to define functions that make your builds more efficient and even proactive.

Java theory and practice: Going wild with generics

One of the most complicated aspects of generics in the Java language is wildcards, and in particular, the treatment and confusing error messages surrounding wildcard capture. Java developer Brian Goetz deciphers some of the weirder-looking error messages emitted by javac and offers some tricks and workarounds that can simplify using generics.

Scala and XML processing made easy

Scala lets you navigate and process parsed XML in several ways. It also has first class support for XML built right in, so you don't need to create strings of XML or programmatically build DOM trees. In this article, you will see these aspects of Scala in action and see how Scala can make working with XML a joy to do.

BlueVoodoo's TAGS related to tag programming

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