31 December 1969 17:00
Wordpress tutorial: Blog posts in different columns — cre8d design blog
Recently I had my blog posts divided into three columns with different blog posts appearing in each one. I’ve now switched back to two columns, putting my blog design/tech posts in one and my personal/life posts in the other. Here’s how I set it up (and this can be extended to as many columns/areas as you’d like):
Red Alt - Kubrickr
Create headers for Kubrick themes from Flickr photos
soderlind.no - Image Manager Plugin
The ImageManager plugin integrates the stand alone PHP ImageManager + Editor with WordPress. The ImageManager provides an interface for browsing and uploading image files on/to your server. The Editor allows for some basic image manipulations such as, cropping, rotation, flip, and scaling.
WordPress CSS Guides
by 5 othersClassic CSS explained<br /> Personalise your WordPress Weblog
AdSense-Deluxe WordPress Plugin » Acme Technologies Zeitgeist
by 3 othersAdSense-Deluxe is an easy-to-use plugin for WordPress 1.5+ (including WP 2.0) for quickly inserting Google or Yahoo! ads into your blog posts, and managing when and where those ads are displayed.
snellspace.com » Blog Archive » Enabling Atom 1.0 on Wordpress
Enabling Atom 1.0 on Wordpress
skippy dot net » vhost
created a plugin that binds a virtual host to a single WordPress category.
Windows Live Writer Plugins
by 6 othersWindows Live Writer Plugins conventiently lists plugins, addons, hacks and tutorials for Windows Live Writer, a desktop blogging program that can post to various types of blogs.
Windows Live Writer and Ultimate Tag Warrior - Bharath Kumar
Windows Live Writer and Ultimate Tag Warrior
Trackback Spam Resources » Trackback Validator Plugin
by 1 otherThe TrackBack Validator plugin for WordPress performs a simple but very effective test on all TrackBacks in order to stop spam.
Identify External Links [ Tempus Fugit | TxFx.net ]
by 1 otherThis plugin will add a special CSS class to all links in your entries and in your comments that go to external sites (sites other than your site).
Welcome to Canvas
by 2 othersCanvas brings the freedom to express yourself through design without needing to know CSS or PHP. With Canvas and Ink, you can easily rearrange, reconfigure, and colorize your entire blog without ever touching a line of code.
katesgasis.com Sideblog Plugin v3.0
by 2 othersSideblog is a plugin for Wordpress Blog Platform. It is one way of implementing “Asides” - a series of “short” posts, 1-2 sentences in length.
How To Improve Performance of Highly Commented WordPress Blogs -Simple Thoughts - Java and Web Technology Blog
Most of highly trafficked and highly commented wordpress blogs rely upon some smart caching solution or another. However it may not be enough to prevent slowing down your server if your post(s) are heavily commented upon.
Feedburner Plugin 1.0 for WordPress
This plugin redirects the main feed and optionally the comments feed to Feedburner.com. It does this without the need to modify templates, setup new hidden feeds, modify .htaccess files, or asking users to migrate to a new feed. All existing feeds simply become Feedburner feeds seamlessly and transparently for all users. Just tell the plugin what your Feedburner feed URL is and you're done.
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