public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from Monique with tags test & "aides techniques"


WebAIM: Using NVDA to Evaluate Web Accessibility

by 1 other

It is important to evaluate the accessibility of web content with a screen reader, but screen readers can be very complicated programs for the occasional user, so many people avoid them. This doesn't need to be the case. While screen readers are complicated, it is possible to test web content for accessibility without being a "power user."


Setting up a screen reader test environment » iheni :: making the web worldwide

by 1 other

some tips to get you started when setting up a screen reader testing environment.


Tester vos pages avec un lecteur d'écran — Communauté de pratique sur l'accessibilité du Web (CoPAW)

Ce document est une adaptation d'une partie des Manuels sur l'utilisation de JAWS et de Window-Eyes par Jean-Marie D'Amour