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PUBLIC MARKS from Morgaine with tags rss & feed

25 February 2005

Build a Feed You Can Cut 'n Paste

by 5 others
The tool below will help you format a feed's display with the information you want to use on your web site. All you need to enter is the URL for the RSS source, and select the desired options.

Blogdigger : RSS / Atom Search Engine - Search Blogs

by 19 others
Blogdigger is a search engine for blogs. Blogdigger uses state of the art syndication technologies, such as RSS and Atom, to index blog content and make it available for search. Blogdigger also makes all search results available in RSS or Atom, so users can subscribe to keyword searches and automatically be notified, via the News Aggregator of their choice, of new content pertaining to their interests. Blogdigger searches thousands of RSS and Atom feeds, and is built-in to many popular News Aggregators, such as FeedDemon and NetNewsWire.

mezzoblue § Information Aversion

by 3 others
Give me a Flickr feed, give me a feed, give me a main post feed. Heck, give me a combined feed of all of it too; in some cases I and others will even prefer that, just don’t make that the only option if at all possible.

A Whole Lotta Nothing: ads in RSS

Ads in RSS are fundamentally misguided, at least all the examples I've seen. They're either a site-wide sponsor or a completely unrelated product, but the thing that is broken about them is that they don't offer anything to the reader.

23 February 2005

Feedster :: RSS Search Engine

A Feedpaper is a dynamic newspaper created from information gathered from across the web. Feedpapers can be displayed as part of the web site or as part of your own web site.

Morgaine's TAGS related to tag rss

advertising +   atom +   blog +   blogging +   engine +   feed +   folksonomy +   information +   javascript +   overload +   search +   tag +   tool +