public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from Mumvy with tag of

March 2006

Muslim Woman Praises UPEI's Handling of Cartoon Controversy

by 1 other
A scan of the newspaper story and accompanying picture, which shows a pious Muslim woman reading to Wade MacLauchlan her letters of thanks and praise.

Muslim Society of PEI Organizes Information Series at UPEI

In the spirit of reaching out to fellow Islanders, the Muslim Society of Prince Edward Island, in cooperation with the University of Prince Edward Island, invites the general public to the following three events to take place in the Duffy Lecture Theatre - Barbarians Inside the Gate

In life, Ilan Halimi sold cellular phones on a boulevard named after Voltaire, off a square dedicated to la République. He was an ordinary young Frenchman, except for one thing; he was Jewish, which got him killed. So in death, after 25 days of torture

The Guardian: Not a peep from the professors

by 2 others
I have a question that should be of interest to those concerned about the principle of academic freedom. How is one to account for the fact that when the administration at UPEI sent in the police to confiscate the copies of a recent edition of the stud

February 2006

The Guardian: We should all learn to think critically

Re: the Dave Weale incident. I have been thinking that Dave Weale would have deserved a weekend in the stocks instead of being made to drink the hemlock.

The Liberty Letter: Those Darn Muslims

Comments on the response from Wade MacLauchlan, President of the University of Prince Edward Island, to the Society for Academic Freedom and Scholarship.

Letter from S. Qudsia (Koli) Hoogeveen to Wade McLauchlan, President UPEI

A "letter of thanks" from a pious Muslim woman to the President of the University of Prince Edward Island, originally posted on the official UPEI website, but removed on February 27, 2006. This URL leads to the page cached by Google.

The Guardian: Educational experience at UPEI a source of pride

In this letter to the Charlottetown Guardian, the Dean of Arts of the University of Prince Edward Island provides an unsubstantiated defense of the quality of education at UPEI.

Robert Paterson's Weblog

Is this quality? Is this worth the money? Is any learning going on? Is this where UPEI is going? comments: Free David Weale

UPEI missed the boat. Profs cancel classes all the time or they have students teach their classes and nobody says nothing. Like the student said in the Guardian, theres only a handful of UPEI profs who can really teach but no one talks about that. Its jus

University of Toronto -- News@UofT -- News Digest -- (February 23, 2006)

Letter from the Society for Academic Freedom and Censorship to Wade MacLauchlan, President of UPEI, and MacLauchlan's response to SAFS, republished in the news digest of the University of Toronto.

Free Speech at Risk, Canadian Proessors Warn

As an academic -- and one, who as a child, was fortunate enough to have his parents take him from a "fear" to a "free" society -- I suggest that the principle of freedom of speech must be treasured over all other principles, especially in universities, wh

Free Speech at Risk, Canadian Proessors Warn

So Wade MacLauchlan, the president of the University of Prince Edward Island, believes that censoring student newspapers is the best way to prevent potential violence and help his university strive towards "an engaged and positive learning environment."

Print Story - network

I found it difficult to believe that the president of a Canadian university would come out so strongly against freedom of the press -- or as Wade MacLauchlan refers to it, "reckless free speech." What I found most offensive, however, was the way he tried

Campuses must uphold free speech

Letter to the National Post. 24 Feb 2006, from Walter Bruno, concerning Wade MacLauchlan's open letter to the Society for Academic Freedom and Scholarship

Campuses must uphold free speech

Letter to the National Post. 24 Feb 2006, from Doreen Kimura, concerning Wade MacLauchlan's open letter to the Society for Academic Freedom and Scholarship National Post

Print Story - network

Campuses must uphold free speech Letter to the National Post. 24 Feb 2006, from Jack Edwards, concerning Wade MacLauchlan's open letter to the Society for Academic Freedom and Scholarship

Print Story - network

Letter to the National Post, 24 Feb 2006, from Awrey, concerning Wade MacLauchlan's open letter to the Society for Academic Freedom and Scholarship

snip’s snippets » Blog Archive » The Mohammed Cartoons: an ‘insiders perspective’

A response to a letter, posted on the website of the University of Prince Edward Island, from a Muslim woman to Wade MacLauchlan, President of the University of Prince Edward Island.

.:Private Revolution: Censorship on the Island

by 1 other
Fear of possible "mob action" must not be allowed to dictate to UPEI or any other Canadian university what ideas its students and faculty may express, disseminate and debate. By censoring this debate at your campus rather than taking the necessary steps t

Mark Steyn Online: Letter of the Week

Yesterday, my local university's student newspaper became the first paper in Canada to print the twelve "Muhammed" cartoons. Two hundred copies were picked up by students before the President and the student union/government agreed that the newsp