public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from Sheino with tags internet & blog

August 2005

The Internet Stock Blog

News and analysis of Internet stocks.

April 2005

Kinja, the weblog guide

by 9 others
Kinja is a weblog portal, collecting news and commentary from some of the best sites on the web. Visitors can browse items on topics, or they can create a convenient personal digest, to track their favorite writers.

March 2005

Richard Giles blog: Corporate Blogging

by 1 other
Article and references on corporate blogging.

February 2005

plasticbag weblog

by 5 others
A weblog by Tom Coates, who works for BBC Radio and Music Interactive and thinks about social software, personal publishing, graphic design, online gaming and the future of media consumption.

Technorati: Tags

by 10 others
The real-time web.

January 2005