public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from adfunk with tags "Home Based Business" & cash

10 January 2009

Cash Gifting Made Easy

Ever want to obtain a passive source of income and gain financial independence using a faster and more efficient way than just being an employee and working office hours every day? Well, cash gifting is a great opportunity for you to expand your income sources. The Peoples Program is one of those successful cash gifting programs that have successfully helped people earn money through its innovative scheme.

02 December 2008

Members Helping Members! In Hard Economic Times Abundant Living System Changing Cash Gifting Forever

There was a Game Changing Event webinar that changes how the activity of Cash Gifting or Cash Leveraging is looked at forever. Abundant Living System , is a Cash Gifting activity that was launched over the Summer 2008, and has been a leader in innovation in Cash Gifting. One of the things that came out of the call was the fact that there are now two Cash Gifting programs within ALS, a 1UP System where you pass up your first person into the activity which is very powerful and then a Residual Program where you can receive gifts every time and not have to pass up or give up a gift.