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PUBLIC MARKS from adfunk with tags banking & business

June 2008

Banking & Budgeting Forum

Investing Island Business and Finance Forum Internet banking has many benefits to it but there are risks as well. No matter how comfortable you are using Internet banking you cannot deny that. You don’t tend to worry about them because the convenience of doing your banking from your computer far outweighs any possible concerns you may have. You put you trust in your bank and its system and hope that you have not misplaced your trust. Banking & Budgeting Forum

January 2008

Homeowners fail to see cash from lending cuts

Many British homeowners were left out in the cold with the Bank of England’s announcement on earlier this month that the interest rate would remain unchanged for now. However, the question begs: Would a rate cut have had a significant impact on struggling homeowners in dire need of more disposable cash? MPG Investments, the UK’s number one cash property buyer, has a look at the way that property mortgage lenders rule homeowners’ pockets.

August 2006

Website that brings you the best in banking

We are inviting you to “experience” website, network and have fun. This site features content and tools which allow you to optimize your banking experience. They have a lot of useful tools, especially for members, but plenty of goodies for everyone interested in good, clean and responsive banking environtment. This site also contain