public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from adfunk with tags "remove slander" & "reputation consul"

June 2011

Reputation Armor Helps Remove Complaints

Reputation Armor is not only a leader in the Reputation Management industry we are one of the pioneers of the industry itself. Over the past 5-6 years business and individuals have seen a massive increase in the number of review sites and complaint venues online. Reputation Armor provides a service that will help you and your business control how search engines and the internet as a whole displays you and your reputation.

September 2009

Businesses Suiting Up In Reputation Armor

A new way to protect your business online is sweeping the internet like a category 5 hurricane. The newest and most rewarding marketing technique online is online reputation management or search engine reputation management. Online reputation management is used by many businesses off all types and sizes. The most frequent reason a company uses a Reputation Management company is to help them conceal or make online complaints less damaging. An example of a popular online complaint site is, which sole purpose is to allow consumers (anyone) file complaints against businesses and individuals. Other sites that catch the attention of consumers to file complaints against businesses are and