public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from adfunk with tags savings & banking

March 2008

High-yield savings account with "highest" yield!!

Since the beginning of money usage, people are trying to get more money by the day for many reasons. How do you manage your financial? Of course the money would usually go into your high-yield savings account in banks. Do you know which “high-yield” savings account offers the real highest yield?? Today there is a site that tracks interest rates of all online high yield savings accounts. There are plenty of banks that provide this service and the best is each bank has different rates to offer. This surely gives the customer the power to choose most suitable bank for their needs. It’s easy to open an online account with these banks because most of them only requires a minimum deposit as low as $1 from the customer. Now all you need to do is to choose any bank you like with the best high yield savings rates and move your savings to it.

October 2007

Money Saving Advice

It is important to shop around and bargain for the cheapest loan available. The loan should provide for options such as cheap mortgage, debt management, IVA help and a secured personal loan. It is essential to get a loan that provides for debt management because debt always creates troubles if it is left unpaid while debt management is an affordable way to deal with debts and other financial obligations.

December 2006

Saving green for the holiday season by lowering everyday bills.

Wallets tend to be thin through the holiday season. That is why it is important to save every last penny on those pesky bills. Many UKs spend more money on electric, water, gasoline and other bills than they need to. As a benefit to lowering energy costs we are less dependent on foreign sources of energy and create cleaner skies. So buy a programmable thermostat, plug in a few fluorescent lights, carpool, or give yourself the gift of an energy efficient appliance and do your part.