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10 November 2005

IT Conversations: Peter Norvig - Inside Google

Peter NorvigGoogleInside GooglePeter Norvig Play now: | Download MP3 | Help with Listening Link to it: Permalink | Create a Clip or Excerpt [runtime: 00:15:02, 6.9 mb, recorded 2005-03-15] Add this program to your personall program queue. Who's linking to this?At Google engineers and researchers are not two different groups of people. This culture is very unique to Google and Google shows off the product prototypes developed using this approach online at Google Labs. Most of these prototypes are built by Google employees who use 20% of their working time at Google to work on their own ideas.Google has expanded from searching webpages to searching videos, books, places and even files on your own desktop. This expansion is made possible though Google's understanding and classification of information, facilitated by the application of algorithms in the domains of Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing and Artificial Intelligence. Google has also made use of innovative technologies such as AJAX to improve the accessibility of web interfaces.Some of the products that have come out of the Google Labs experiment are Google Suggest which autocompletes queries as they're typed. Google Sets is another feature where you can specify two or more keywords and generate a whole set depending on the commonality and relationship between the two objects. Personalised search varies the results returned depending upon your profile and preferences. Google Maps allows users to explore territories by dragging the map in the direction they are interested in.

16 October 2005

The Forge :: GNS and Other Matters of Role-playing Theory

. My goal in this writing is to provide vocabulary and perspective that enable people to articulate what they want and like out of the activity, and to understand what to look for both in other people and in game design to achieve their goals.

Facets: 5 Motivation Factors for Why People Play MMORPG's

This is the presentation of an online study that used empirical data to build a model of the different motivations of why people play MMORPG's.

Richard A. Bartle: Players Who Suit MUDs

by 1 other
Four approaches to playing MUDs are identified and described. These approaches may arise from the inter-relationship of two dimensions of playing style: action versus interaction, and world-oriented versus player-oriented. An account of the dynamics of player populations is given in terms of these dimensions, with particular attention to how to promote balance or equilibrium. This analysis also offers an explanation for the labelling of MUDs as being either "social" or "gamelike".

Glenn Blacow's "Aspects of Adventure Gaming"

Blacow' Player types: I. Power Gaming II. Role-Playing III. Wargaming IV. Story Telling

11 October 2005

Types of Play

I believe we are trying to categorize the wrong thing. I suggest that the critical element in our taxonomy is the way users interact with entertainment products, not whether or not the product has sub-systems that 'anticipate' the user's moves. In addition, we are attempting to overlay new meaning on words that have common usage, which will invariably result in confusion both among ourselves and among our users.