public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from bcpbcp with tags rss & article

March 2006

Reading RSS the easy way - Flashmagazine

I used to hate XML and all the looping across nodes to get data. Then I found a class called XMLSA, created by Max Ziebell. Using XMLSA, making a RSS news ticker/reader is easy.

February 2006

Making An RSS Feed

by 3 others (via)
RSS is a method of distributing links to content in your web site that you'd like others to use. In other words, it's a mechanism to "syndicate" your content. To understand syndication, consider the "real world" situation where artist Scott Adams draws a daily Dilbert cartoon. The cartoon is made available to any newspaper that cares to run it, in exchange for a fee -- and 2,000 papers in 65 countries do so. Unlike Scott Adams, syndication of web content via RSS is unlikely to make you rich. However, it can be an easy way to draw attention to your material, bringing you some traffic and perhaps a little net fame, depending on how good your information is.

October 2005

Wired News: RSS Service Eases Bloggers' Pain

Adding links by hand is both time-consuming and ineffective for those who can't spend 24 hours a day watching for breaking news. Relying on RSS feeds means fresh headlines, but the clutter of irrelevant content.Now, many bloggers are turning to a new service called TagCloud that lets them cherry-pick articles in RSS feeds by key words -- or tags -- that appear in those feeds.

TagCloud - Home

by 51 others (via)
TagCloud is an automated Folksonomy tool. Essentially, TagCloud searches any number of RSS feeds you specify, extracts keywords from the content and lists them according to prevalence within the RSS feeds. Clicking on the tag's link will display a list of all the article abstracts associated with that keyword.