public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from blogmarks2007 with tag blog

June 2009

Claim your free Internet land

If someone was handing over free chunks of real estate in decent neighborhoods with very few conditions on its use, would you take advantage of it? I think most of us would hop on that opportunity in a heartbeat.Interestingly, though, many Internet ma...

May 2009

Twitter Internet Marketing in 7 Easy Steps

Although many internet users use Twitter as a social networking tool, it can also be used as an internet marketing tool. Regardless of what you want to market, whether it be a website, a blog, a product, or a service, you can do so with Twitter and in...

Twitter Marketing Questions Answered for Beginners

Are you an internet marketer? Although you may not technically be employed as one, it is one of the many hats you will and should wear when working online. Do you run a website or blog that sells a product, service, or generates income through affili...

June 2007

Create Blogs

Ever since the world of technology started creating products for the common man to communicate with, there has been a veritable revolution in the publishing industry. I’m serious. The old way of journalism as we know it is fast disappearing. And blogging, as the new form of cyber journalism is taking up the place.

RSS and Blog

Blog Promotion Tip: Put an RSS Button on Your Blog. A web log, or commonly known as blog, used to be just an online journal where most teenagers and voyeurs take note of their daily misfits and whatnots. Now, it has become one powerful marketing device that is taking online marketing to new levels. Thanks to its easy-to-use and update-able interface, it has become the favorite of many.

The Best Places to Travel on a Budget

by 1 other
This article has been written keeping in mind the most sought after information about the best places to travel on a budget and that is why if you are interested in the best places to travel on a budget, do read this article.