public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from blogmarks2007 with tag "friends and family"

26 May 2009

Twitter Marketing Dos and Dont's

Do you want to use Twitter as an internet marketing tool? If so, it is important to proceed with caution. Developing a brand on Twitter is important, but if you are not careful, that brand could come with a bad reputation. So, what are the biggest T...

23 May 2009

Twitter Etiquette

Do you want to use Twitter for internet marketing purposes? If so, it is first important to familiarize yourself with the written and unwritten rules of Twitter. Before outlining a few important rules of Twitter etiquette, it is important to know why...

14 May 2009

Twitter Internet Marketing in 7 Easy Steps

Although many internet users use Twitter as a social networking tool, it can also be used as an internet marketing tool. Regardless of what you want to market, whether it be a website, a blog, a product, or a service, you can do so with Twitter and in...

01 May 2009


Graffiti is a Facebook application that is found in the Just for fun and Messaging categories. Never heard of Facebook? It is a social website that you can access from your PC or Smartphone. One of the great things about this website is the ability to...

15 April 2009

iLike Is Found In The Facebook Music And Events Categories.

iLike is a Facebook application that is found in the music and events categories. What is so special about Facebook and iLike? Facebook links to your contacts list on your PC and phone so that you can invite all of your friends and family to join. Then...

14 April 2009

Catbook on Facebook

Facebook can link to your contacts list so that you can invite all of your friends and family to join. You can find friends and old classmates by putting in your school information. Invite your friends to join Facebook by sending them an email. Join gr...

09 April 2009

Facebook Causes

One of the great things about the Facebook website is the ability to easily keep in contact with everyone you know. With Facebook, you can link to your contacts list either on your computer or on your phone. Use this feature to invite all of your frien...