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December 2008 pagetest » home

Pagetest is an open source tool for measuring and analyzing web page performance right from your web browser. AOL developed Pagetest internally to automate load time measurement of its many websites, and it has evolved into a powerful tool for web developers and software engineers in testing their web pages and getting instant feedback. We decided to release it to the grander web development community to further help evolve it into an even more useful - and free - web performance tool.

Login Panel, connexion du plus bel effet| Webmaster - Ressources et outils gratuits pour votre site internet - Free Tools| Free Tools, Le meilleur des outils gratuits pour webmaster

Login Panel est un script original proposé par Web-kreation. Avec Login Panel, ajoutez en haut de votre page web un petit onglet, qui une fois “déplié”, vous demandera les informations de connexion classiques pour accéder à une zone personnelle. show hide login form Ce script s’appuie sur le Framework Mootools. Très simple à mettre en oeuvre, parfaitement réalisé, il ne vous faudra pas plus de 5 minutes pour le placer sur votre site internet. Et, ce script sera facilement “détournable”… pourquoi ne pas placer un “à propos de” ou panel avec vos sponsors ?

Ding It's up!

by 1 other (via)
Ding It's Up is a free service that alert's you via text (SMS) or email when a website goes down or when it comes back up. We will never send you a text/email unless it is to inform you about a website you information for - you can unsubscribe at any time. If you would like to talk to us just email us at [email protected] - Thanks!

November 2008

OpenInviter - Contacts importer integration with CMS like PunBB, JamRoom, Joomla and many more

by 1 other
Open source OpenInviter (Open Inviter) is an free import contacts (addressbook) script from email providers like Lycos,, Rediff, IndiaTimes, KataMail, AOL, OperaMail, Yandex, Terra, Rambler,,, Yahoo!,, GMail, Libero,, Live/Hotmail, FastMail or social portals like Flickr, LinkedIn, Twitter, Bebo, Friendster, Facebook,, Hi5, MySpace, Flixster, Perfspot, Orkut, Skyrock. This contacts importer script is integrating with content management systems (aka CMS) like Joomla, JamRoom, Drupal, SimpleMachines Forum (SMF), Wordpress, Social Engine, PunBB, Joomla1.0, PhpBB. Open Inviter is written in PHP 5 (no database required but cURL or wget required) and running on any webserver (tested on Apache) offering advanced tell a friend features. OpenInviter is a free self hosted solution that does not use a third party gateway (or API) to import contacts. Sounds cool! How much? OpenInviter is totally free and open-source solution. You can download it, change it, write plugins for it. Everything for free. What are you waiting for? Grab your OpenInviter today! Go to the Download section now! Features at a glance * Easy access to your visitors address book in all major email providers and social networks around the world. * Completely painless and easy way of integrating in your website. It takes virtually not more than 5 minutes to have your own OpenInviter up and running on your site. * Constant updates so that you can sit back and relax and always have access to the latest ways to get your visitor's address book. * WGET-ready! Yes, you read right! OpenInviter is the only contacts importer supporting both WGET and cURL as methods of handling requests (since version 1.2) so now you can use it on ANY server you want without the hassle of installing libcurl! * Real time access to the service statuses so you can know if there is an email provider that is not working right with OpenInviter.

Ponyfish RSS Feed Builder

by 15 others (via)
Ponyfish is a FREE web-based tool that allows you to create your own RSS feeds from almost any web page. All you have to do is simply point Ponyfish to the web page you want to create a feed from, then follow a few steps to setup which types of links you want to include in the feed.

Install and setup Xen on Debian 4.0 Etch — Lone-Wolf Scripts

Xen is a GPLed virtualization solution available in Debian 4.0 Etch repositories. This article help you to create a coherent Xen installation, with backups and minimum security enhancements. This guide fits my vision of a Xen setup. If it does not fit yours, you are free to adapt it to your needs, or to not use it. For information In this guide, i use the term "virtual host". Be aware that Xen use its own terminology. In a Xen setup, instanciated (aka. started) virtual hosts are called "Domains". Once your computer configured for Xen, all the operating systems run in "domains". The original operating system, where the Xen's control tools are installed, is called "dom0" (for domain No zero). All the guest operating systems are said to be installed in a "domU" (for User domain). As i'm a little lazy (well, yeah... very lazy), i don't want to endure this mind twisting, and i will mainly use the "virtual host" term in this guide. So, if you read this guide, don't by angry at me because of the terms i use.

htmlwrapper - Google Code

by 2 others (via)
Wrapper is a cross-browser compliant HTML/CSS rendering engine written in ActionScript that sits on top of your standards compliant HTML page. Wrapper eliminates cross-browser issues and makes integrating ActionScript and HTML/CSS projects possible without needing to compile. Wrappers strives to answer the most common problems web designers face without forcing them to learn too many new things. Most web sites can be created in HTML or CSS, then when you need to extend Wrapper's capabilities you can either use JSON to call functions within ActionScript or you can load compiled plug-ins. Wrapper also has built in methods within CSS to load custom fonts, display elements as any shape, and fill them with linear or radial gradient background colors. ActionScript's event model is also implemented within Wrapper's HTML. Wrapper's best features are the ones that you get for free because of how it is set up. It's like getting all the great features of the Flash Player without needing to deal with compiling and being able to create your content the same way any HTML page would be created. Wrapper is fully accessible to the search engines and integrates well with any back-end technology. Wrapper is currently released as a fully functional open source beta for Flash Player 9. Wrapper is set up as a pre-compiled plug-in but can easily be integrated into any Flex or AIR applications or even as an ActionScript framework for creation of compiled projects.

Yuuguu - The free remote desktop and screen sharing tool

by 7 others
En plus de pouvoir partager votre écran avec un groupe d’un maximum de 30 personnes, vous pourrez maintenant utiliser Yuuguu pour communiquer avec vos contacts par messagerie Internet. Messagerie unifiée et partage d’écran sur une même application, c’est ce que vous propose Yuuguu. En plus de clavarder avec vos contacts Yuuguu, vous pourrez aussi ajouter vos profils Yahoo Messenger, MSN, AIM, ICQ et Google Talk. Yuuguu s’installe rapidement, en terme de ressource, la version Mac requiert environ 130Mb de mémoire vive. Le partage d’écran ne semble pas affecter les ressources requises par cette application. En comparaison, Adium demande 35 Mb et Skype 43 Mb. yuuguu Le service de partage d’écran Yuuguu ajoute la messagerie Internet multiprotocole Lorsque vous organisez une réunion, seul l’hôte de la conférence doit posséder Yuuguu sur son poste de travail. Les participants accèdent à la présentation depuis un lien URL unique généré par Yuuguu. C’est l’un des services de partage d’écran des plus faciles à utiliser. De plus, comme les participants n’ont rien à installer pour participer à une conférence, Yuuguu peut être utilisé même dans un environnement sécurisé. Yuuguu est gratuit et disponible en version Windows, Mac et Linux.

October 2008


by 2 others (via)
Constructr CMS is Open Source Software that is freely available to everyone - zero, nothing, nada, njet, nüschts - it is free for all Time. Constructr CMS is a new and modern Content Management System powered by PHP and MySQL. Take a Look at some Screenshots of the fresh and clean Backend. You can read the ChangeLog, the short Overview of the main Features and the Documentation. Get started and try it out - visit the Demo-Section. The latest Downloads are available via Subversion or as compressed Packages. Participate and become a Part of The Constructr-Community at the Forum.

Modest Maps

by 4 others
Modest Maps is a BSD-licensed display and interaction library for tile-based maps in Flash (ActionScript 2.0 and ActionScript 3.0) and Python. Our intent is to provide a minimal, extensible, customizable, and free display library for discriminating designers and developers who want to use interactive maps in their own projects. Modest Maps provides a core set of features in a tight, clean package, with plenty of hooks for additional functionality.

September 2008

Free File Hosting & Video Downloads, Free File Sharing, Online Friends Network - Ziddu

by 1 other (via)
J’ai découvert Ziddu, c’est un site qui vous permet un stockage en ligne et un Uploads illimité avec un compte gratuit et qui ne mets pas de temps d’attente entre les téléchargement pour vos visiteurs et de plus chaque fois que quelqu’un téléchargera votre fichier, vous serez payer, bien sûr pas de quoi changer de voiture ou de maison. Le paiement est de $0.001 par téléchargement et les sommes vous seront envoyés sur votre compte Paypal dès que vous aurez atteint 10 $. Je teste ce service en attendant de trouver LE service qui va bien. Ziddu vous permet de stocker et partager de manière illimités:

Free Open Source Thin Client Solution - OpenThinClient : home

by 1 other (via)
OpenThinClient is a Free Open Source ThinClient Solution consisting of a Linux based operating system along with a comprehensive Java based management GUI and server component. It is intended for environments where a medium to large number of Thin Clients must be supported and managed efficiently. Offering flexibility unheard of in the world of proprietary Thin Client Solutions, openThinClient empowers developers and integrators to create advanced Thin Client solutions... for free. openThinClient is released as an open source software under the GNU General Public License (GPL) v2external link, and it is available for download free of charge. openThinClient was created by the levigo groupexternal link based on their thin client expertise reaching back till 1999.

CrossOver Chromium

by 3 others (via)
CrossOver Chromium is a Mac and Linux port of the open source Chromium web browser. CrossOver Chromium is available for download from CodeWeavers, free of charge.

XtraFile » XtraUpload v2

by 2 others
Written in PHP using the CodeIgniter Framework, XtraUpload has all the features you would expect from a file Hosting Script. Free users as well as premium users have the ability to upload files but premium users get a lot more features such as viewing files, instantly downloading files and getting the URL’s of the files they have uploaded. You can also specify the file types, sizes along with many other options. Each user must provide a valid email address when they sign up for premium as the script automatically sends the username and password to them upon reception of payment through PayPal IPN. File Hosting websites brings in large revenues and is a very easy system to setup thanks to XtraUpload.

toksta* - the chat provider

by 2 others
Toksta IM permet d’intégrer dans vos pages internet un chat online ou les internautes pourront bavarder via texte. L’originalité de cette solution réside dans le fait que vidéo et audio sont également possibles. Le tout se passe en temps réel et sans devoir se connecter à des programmes comme Skype, MSN ou ICQ! En effet, c’est une application hébergée qui peut être intégrée à votre site Web et la gestion des utilisateurs s’opère depuis votre base de données ou tout autre fichier de configuration. Pour être présent sur Free Tools, Toksta se devait d’être gratuit ! De plus, il est facile à mettre en œuvre et personnalisable ! La fin du fin… vous trouverez également des modules d’extension pour phpBB2, phpBB3, punBB, phpMyForum et vBulletin ! Toksta vous permettra aisément de proposer une HotLine Internet originale…

spamgourmet - free disposable email addresses, spam blocker

by 1 other
Si vous donnez à tout le monde votre adresse de courrier électronique (courriel), vous recevez des spams et vous ne savez pas qui les envoie. Ne serait-il pas pratique de pouvoir donner une adresse différente à chaque société, à chaque site web, tout en continuant à recevoir votre courriel comme auparavant? Ne serait-il pas pratique que votre adresse soit désactivée automatiquement si elle commence à être spammée? Eh bien, c'est exactement ce que propose Spamgourmet! Il n'y a rien à installer sur votre machine. Et après vous être inscrit, vous n'aurez sans doute jamais plus besoin de revenir ici. C'est pour cela que Spamgourmet est une des meilleures façons d'éviter le spam. Libérez-vous du spam en 3 étapes

August 2008 :: Using free software for HTTP load testing

by 1 other (via)
A good way to see how your Web applications and server will behave under high load is by testing them with a simulated load. We tested several free software tools that do such testing to see which work best for what kinds of sites. If you leave out the load-testing packages that are no longer maintained, non-free, or fail the installation process in some obscure way, you are left with five candidates: curl-loader, httperf, Siege, Tsung, and Apache JMeter.

July 2008

Dimdim: Free Live Meeting, Web Conference, Net Meeting, Online Meetings, Online Training, Desktop Sharing, Web Meeting, Free Web conferencing, eLearning, Presentation Software, Web x collaboration, Collaboration software

by 5 others
Dimdim est une application intranet-internet de réunion à distance, à l’instar de logiciels comme Netmeeting ou Ekiga. Ainsi, il est possible de diffuser la voix de trois personnes au maximum sur tous les clients, ou de voir la caméra du maître de conférence. Ce dernier peut choisir, en outre, d’afficher : - son écran - un document au format PDF - un document au format Word - un document au format Excel - un document au format PowerPoint Dimdim ne se trouve pas sous forme de logiciel, mais s’intègre à un site Internet déjà existant. L’éxécutable installera un serveur apache, Tomcat. Dès lors, l’intérêt devient énorme quand on pense aux plateformes d’apprentissage en ligne, où les étudiants pourront avoir des cours en direct. Dimdim semble à terme avoir un gros potentiel, d’autant plus que des paquetages d’installation existent pour différents LCMS (Learning Content Management System) : Claroline, Moodle et SugarCRM et s’installent facilement, comme des modules.

Iconbest, icones gratuites pour la pluie et le beau temps !| Webmaster - Ressources et outils gratuits pour votre site internet - Free Tools| Free Tools, Le meilleur des outils gratuits pour webmaster

by 1 other
Si dans votre projet, vous devez afficher les conditions météorologiques, vous trouverez avec Iconbest, un jeu d’icônes gratuites (pour les projets non commerciaux) réellement magnifique et vraiment très bien travaillé.

June 2008

flv streaming with lighttpd

by 2 others (via)
1.4.11 got a new module for streaming Flash movie files called mod_flv_streaming. This module allows you to seek in FLV files using the high performance infrastructure of lighttpd. The idea is simple and explained and implemented on ‘Streaming’ flv video via PHP, take two at But instead of streaming the file through PHP we do it in the webserver. The module expects a request for the URL which matches flv-streaming.extensions and can handle a ’?start=’ as part of the request. The information to pass into the ‘start’ parameter is extractly by the flash-player from the meta-data of the flv-files. The meta-data can be setup with flvtool2 Now I leave it to you to combine this with mod_secdownload to create a flv-streaming server for free with deep/hot linking protected movies. server.modules = ( ..., "mod_secdownload", ## optional "mod_flv_streaming", ... ) flv-streaming.extensions = ( ".flv" ) Take the flash-player from flashcomguru and adjust the URL in the player and try yourself.


by 3 others
Flash Video Player for Web Embed video streams on your website. No other software makes this easier. Dowload Flowplayer

Free Radio Streaming - Stream MP3 and WAV files with Ease | iRadeo

by 3 others
iRadeo is a free online radio platform that allows anyone to stream their MP3 or WAV files. Once installed, iRadeo will automatically detect and stream any supported file format that has been uploaded to the specified directory. Benefits of iRadeo: * It's 100% FREE * Start your own free online radio station * Use to stream both music and podcasts * Share your favorite music with others * Customize to fit your web site

April 2008

Des milliers d’icônes | PNG | logos | aiXo

by 10 others
Dans la même veine que les 20 outils pour tout tester sur votre site, voici mes favoris pour trouver des icônes et des PNG de grande qualité. Certains sont plutôt orientés icônes pour le bureau, les docks et d’autres contiennent de vrais trésors pour les webmasters.

camel's TAGS related to tag free

alert +   apache +   applications +   blog +   bookmarks +   build +   certificat +   class +   cms +   code +   collaboration +   conversion +   convert +   converter +   css +   design +   ebook +   email +   encrypt +   enfant +   file +   firefox +   flash +   flv +   format +   formats +   framework +   google +   gpl +   graphics +   groupware +   hosting +   html +   http +   icon +   icons +   im +   image +   images +   install +   internet +   javascript +   jeux +   Layouts +   lighttpd +   linux +   management +   map +   mathématique +   mobile +   monitoring +   mp3 +   network +   newsletter +   odf +   office +   online +   opendocument +   openoffice +   opensource +   pack +   performance +   photos +   php +   player +   python +   remote +   ressources +   screen +   script +   security +   server +   setup +   share +   site +   social +   softs +   software +   sound +   spam +   ssl +   streaming +   subversion +   templates +   tools +   transcoder +   tutorial +   ubuntu +   upload +   usb +   vectoriel +   video +   viewer +   vmware +   web +   web 2.0 +   webdesign +   website +   wiki +   windows +