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PUBLIC MARKS from camel with tag tools

December 2008> Open Source Collaboration Software for the Enterprise

by 2 others is a software tool developed by Cynapse, that inter-connects your people with each other and their collective knowledge, seamlessly. helps teams to create collective knowledge by sharing workspaces, applications, documents, files and digital content within a secure, unified environment. combines the capabilities of collaboration tools like wikis, blogs, file repositories, micrologs instant discussions and other social applications into a seamless platform. The desktop client keeps users updated with its unique activity stream while enabling instant discussions within any document, file or content.

November 2008

Install and setup Xen on Debian 4.0 Etch — Lone-Wolf Scripts

Xen is a GPLed virtualization solution available in Debian 4.0 Etch repositories. This article help you to create a coherent Xen installation, with backups and minimum security enhancements. This guide fits my vision of a Xen setup. If it does not fit yours, you are free to adapt it to your needs, or to not use it. For information In this guide, i use the term "virtual host". Be aware that Xen use its own terminology. In a Xen setup, instanciated (aka. started) virtual hosts are called "Domains". Once your computer configured for Xen, all the operating systems run in "domains". The original operating system, where the Xen's control tools are installed, is called "dom0" (for domain No zero). All the guest operating systems are said to be installed in a "domU" (for User domain). As i'm a little lazy (well, yeah... very lazy), i don't want to endure this mind twisting, and i will mainly use the "virtual host" term in this guide. So, if you read this guide, don't by angry at me because of the terms i use.

Execute commands simultaneously on multiple servers Using PSSH/Cluster SSH/Multixterm -- Ubuntu Geek

If you have multiple servers with similar or identical configurations (such as nodes in a cluster), it’s often difficult to make sure the contents and configuration of those servers are identical. It’s even more difficult when you need to make configuration modifications from the command line, knowing you’ll have to execute the exact same command on a large number of systems . In this tutorial we will see some tools to execute one command on multiple remote servers using ssh.First you need to make sure you have ssh installed in your machine or you can install using the following command

Suivre l’activité de Googlebot sur votre site grâce aux logs Apache

Le suivi de l’activité des robots des moteurs de recherche sur votre site, et tout particulièrement du Googlebot, fait partie intégrante d’un bon référencement. Certes, Google mets à disposition des éditeurs depuis quelque temps déjà une série d’outils de suivi, les Google Webmaster Tools (GWT). C’est bien, mais pas toujours très complet et les mises à jours souvent aléatoires… Les webmasters ont pourtant tout ce qu’il faut sous la main pour avoir des stats précises et surtout en temps réel pour suivre les bots : les logs du serveur Apache, souvent les meilleurs amis du référenceur ! :: Parallel SSH execution and a single shell to control them all

Many people use SSH to log in to remote machines, copy files around, and perform general system administration. If you want to increase your productivity with SSH, you can try a tool that lets you run commands on more than one remote machine at the same time. Parallel ssh, Cluster SSH, and ClusterIt let you specify commands in a single terminal window and send them to a collection of remote machines where they can be executed. Why you would need a utility like this when, using openSSH, you can create a file containing your commands and use a bash for loop to run it on a list of remote hosts, one at a time? One advantage of a parallel SSH utility is that commands can be run on several hosts at the same time. For a short-running task this might not matter much, but if a task needs an hour to complete and you need to run it on 20 hosts, parallel execution beats serial by a mile. Also, if you want to interactively edit the same file on multiple machines, it might be quicker to use a parallel SSH utility and edit the file on all nodes with vi rather than concoct a script to do the same edit. Many of these parallel SSH tools include support for copying to many hosts at once (a parallel version of scp) or using rsync on a collection of hosts at once. Because the parallel SSH implementations know about all the hosts in a group, some of them also offer the ability to execute a command "on one host" and will work out which host to pick using load balancing. Finally, some parallel SSH projects let you use barriers so that you can execute a collection of commands and explicitly have each node in the group wait until all the nodes have completed a stage before moving on to the next stage of processing.

October 2008

Site d’actualités informatique et high tech - » Blog Archive » Une liste d’outils CSS

Rien de mieux que des outils légers et rapides pour faire des modifications à la volée. Voici donc une sélection d’outils en ligne ou desktop pour faire toutes sortes de modifications/créations de code CSS.

Tentakel to execute commands on multiple Linux or UNIX Servers

Many times, you want to execute a command not only on one server, but also on several servers. For example, find out * Version of kernel * Version of Apache web server * Update static html or images files on all web servers via rsync * Find out user information, server information, memory usage etc * Security/patch checking tentakel I have already covered how to execute commands on multiple Linux or UNIX servers via shell script. The disadvantage of script is commands do not run in parallel on all servers. However, several tools exist to automate this procedure in parallel. With the help of tool called tentakel, you run distributed command execution. It is a program for executing the same command on many hosts in parallel using ssh (it supports other methods too). Main advantage is you can create several sets of servers according requirements. For example webserver group, mail server group, home servers group etc. The command is executed in parallel on all servers in this group (time saving). By default, every result is printed to stdout (screen). The output format can be defined for each group.

September 2008

Virtualmin - About

Virtualmin is a uniquely powerful and flexible web server administration tool. It is unmatched in features and ease of use. Based on Webmin, it offers a wide array of productivity-enhancing tools for hosting providers, web developers, web designers, and end users.

August 2008

Protégez gratuitement votre PC sous Windows

De l'antivirus au pare-feu, en passant par le nettoyage ou le renforcement du système, il n'y a plus d'excuse pour ne pas "blinder" son PC. Notre sélection d'outils gratuits.

FAN: Fully Automated Nagios

by 1 other
FAN stands for "Fully Automated Nagios". FAN goals are to provide a Nagios installation including most tools provided by the Nagios Community. FAN provides a CDRom image in the standard ISO format, making it easy to easilly install a Nagios server. Added to this, a wide bunch of tools are including to the distribution, in order to improve the user experience around Nagios. :: Using free software for HTTP load testing

by 1 other (via)
A good way to see how your Web applications and server will behave under high load is by testing them with a simulated load. We tested several free software tools that do such testing to see which work best for what kinds of sites. If you leave out the load-testing packages that are no longer maintained, non-free, or fail the installation process in some obscure way, you are left with five candidates: curl-loader, httperf, Siege, Tsung, and Apache JMeter.

April 2008 » Collection of Web Developer Tools, per Browser

by 1 other (via)
With so many browser out there in the wild, working as a Web Developer certainly is not an easy job these days. Thankfully, over the last years, decent tools have been developed by bright people that make developing and debugging of code easier for the developer. But sometimes, it is not easy to keep track which tools are at a Developer’s disposal (and which are actually usable). The following article seeks to list the best tools available and quickly describing how to activate/install/use them.

March 2008

Home of the Geotag Icon Project

by 3 others (via)
The Geotag Icon is intended as a web "standard" icon for identifying geotagged content to humans. The advent of inexpensive GPS devices and free tools like Google Maps or Flickr Map mean that more and more people are associating their content (typically blog posts or photos) with a specific geographic location. Such "geotagging" stores coordinates within metadata or microformat tags—where machines can find them but people can't. That's where the Geotag Icon comes in. It provides a visual reference to a map link, or if no link is yet made helps viewers recognize the geographic relevance of the content. It's free, easy to use and helps us all visualize the developing semantic web.

pootle:index · Translate Toolkit & Pootle

by 2 others (via)
Pootle is a user-friendly web portal that makes the translation process so much simpler. It allows online translation, work assignment, gives statistics and allows easy volunteer contribution. You can run Pootle as an Internet server like these projects or run your own copy on an Intranet (for individual work, team work or Translate@thons). Pootle makes use of the Translate Toolkit. Together, these tools are part of our project to make translation easier and of higher quality by creating better tools and user-friendly, central information.

How To Install And Use The djbdns Name Server On Debian Etch | HowtoForge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials

by 1 other
djbdns is a very secure suite of DNS tools that consists out of multiple parts: dnscache, a DNS cache that can be used in /etc/resolv.conf instead of your ISP's name servers and that tries to sort out wrong (malicious) DNS answers; axfrdns, a service that runs on the master DNS server and to which the slaves connect for zone transfers; and tinydns, the actual DNS server, a very secure replacement for BIND.

February 2008

Homepage | OpenX

by 4 others
The free, open source ad server trusted by more than 30,000 web publishers in over 100 countries around the world. OpenX is a powerful ad serving solution that puts control over online advertising back in the hands of publishers.

LookOut :: Thunderbird Add-ons

LookOut is a plugin which allows Thunderbird to interface with Microsoft's mail tools by decoding metadata and attachments encapsulated/embedded in a TNEF encoded attachment (aka winmail.dat). The TNEF decoding engine was inspired (with permission) by the project.


by 3 others
This is pen, a load balancer for "simple" tcp based protocols such as http or smtp. It allows several servers to appear as one to the outside and automatically detects servers that are down and distributes clients among the available servers. This gives high availability and scalable performance.

January 2008

How To Install And Use The djbdns Name Server On Debian Etch | HowtoForge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials

djbdns is a very secure suite of DNS tools that consists out of multiple parts: dnscache, a DNS cache that can be used in /etc/resolv.conf instead of your ISP's name servers and that tries to sort out wrong (malicious) DNS answers; axfrdns, a service that runs on the master DNS server and to which the slaves connect for zone transfers; and tinydns, the actual DNS server, a very secure replacement for BIND.

MySQL Swiss Army Knife | lefred's blog

by 3 others (via)
Il y a les outils MySQL, mais aussi les utilitaires proposés par la communauté. LeFred publie une magnifique liste sur son blogue. Il y a notamment le * querysniffer, qui extrait les requêtes d'un serveur, sans active le log général; * mysqlsla, qui analyse le log de requête lentes * mysqlidchck,qui vous dit quels sont les index inutiles de votre base * querysniffer, qui extrait les requêtes d'un serveur, sans active le log général;

Automating Xen Virtual Machine Deployment

While consolidating physical to virtual machines using Xen,we want to be able to deploy and manage virtual machines in the same way we manage and deploy physical machines. For operators and support people there should be no difference between virtual and physical installations. Integrating Virtual Machines with the rest of the infrastructure, should have a low impact on the existing infrastructure. Typically, Virtual machine vendors have their own tools to deploy and manage virtual machines. Apart from the vendor lock-in to that specific virtual machine platform , it requires the administrators to learn yet another platform that they need to understand and manage, something we want to prevent. This paper discusses how we integrated SystemImager with Xen, hence creating a totally open source deployment framework for the popular open source Virtual Machine monitor. We will document both development of our tools and go more in depth on other infrastructure related issues when using Xen System Imaging environments in combination with Virtual machines can also be used to ensure safe production deployments. By saving your current production image before updating to your new production image, you have a highly reliable contingency mechanism. If the new production environment is found to be flawed, simply roll-back to the last production image on the virtual machines with a simple update command! Xen has become one of the most popular virtualisation platforms over the last year, although not such a young project, it is now rapidly gaining acceptance in the corporate world as a valuable alternative to VMWare.

camel's TAGS related to tag tools

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