08 December 2006
Galaxia workflow engine : an Open Source PHP workflow engine
by 1 otherGalaxia is a open source activity-based Workflow engine based on Openflow. That type of workflow is defined by Entity-based workflows vs Activity-based workflows
Galaxia was originally written for Tiki CMS/Groupware but has now been ported to several other Open Source projects
Simple workflow engin in PHP
Simple busines workflow engine. You can code own business jobs (workflow steps), and embed it to workflow engine. Big advatage is that you change workflow you don't need to recode anything - only change configuration of workflow.
An activity based Workflow Engine for PHP
by 4 othersArticle décrivant le développement d'un moteur de workflow d'activité en PHP. Ce moteur a été implémanté dans le framework Radicore.
OpenWFE - open source workflow engine
OpenWFE is an Open source WorkFlow Engine, released under a BSD license.
It's written in Java but features access libraries for languages such as Python, Perl, Ruby, C# (.NET), PHP and pnuts.
06 December 2006
Sphinx - Free open-source SQL full-text search engine
by 3 othersSphinx is a full-text search engine, distributed under GPL version 2.
Generally, it's a standalone search engine, meant to provide fast, size-efficient and relevant fulltext search functions to other applications. Sphinx was specially designed to integrate well with SQL databases and scripting languages. Currently built-in data sources support fetching data either via direct connection to MySQL, or from an XML pipe.
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