public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from decembre with tags css & google


FIR - USERTYLE - INTERFACE - NO Folders Icons BOOKMARKS userstyle - Recherche Google

listing of bookmarks folder icon user styles _ /* = NO Folders Icons BOOKMARKS - No bookmarks bar icons by xd_1771 = */ /* ==== NO Folders Icons BOOKMARKS - No bookmarks bar icons by xd_1771 - UP - TWEAK === */ toolbarbutton.bookmark-item > .toolbarbutton-icon { display: none !important; }



GOOGLE - GUIDE - How-to for Google Greasemonkey/Userstyles authors.... | Everything Else

by 1 other
Google , que vous pouvez ou ne pouvez pas savoir , tourne trois modèles de page de cette écriture . Les deux premiers héritent beaucoup de code de l'autre , mais encore besoin de règles CSS séparées pour cibler la barre de navigation et d'autres éléments de la page , la dernière (troisième) conception exige un ciblage tout à fait différent .


Google Maps - Full Screen (Updated 12. August '08) |

This styles makes the map window bigger, you will find the search at the top left. Print-, email- and link-button are on the top right. Because someone asked: Since you need the "Stylish" extension for this, this is not available for Internet Explorer.

2006 - gmailskins: index (-) extention

by 5 others
What it is Gmail Skins is a Firefox extension that tries to make your Gmail experiance a little better. What it does Click an item for a screenshot. * Change the colour of your inbox - Choose colours from green to dark green! * View weather, google calend